The renewed interest in physical education as a critical facet of everyone’s life has placed added emphasis on the scientific base upon which the field is founded. Its relationship to anatomy, physiology, chemistry and physics has taken on critical importance in the struggle to ensure people of varying physical capabilities the longest, healthiest, most active life possible. Physical educators supply the link of application between the physical scientists and society.
The purpose of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Management is threefold:
- Increase every student’s awareness of, and proficiency in, activities that will promote lifetime fitness.
- Train physical education teachers who, upon completion of the program, are certified to teach in the public school system in Alabama. Information about teacher certification in physical education is given in this catalog under the College of Education.
- Offer a sports management major.
This combination of physical education and business coursework is designed to prepare the student for a career in the rapidly expanding field of commercial/corporate fitness and recreation.