Student Vehicle Parking Decal Form

All motor vehicles regularly driven and parked on campus property must be registered with the Faulkner Campus Safety and Police Department. In order to register a vehicle, you must have a valid driver's license, a valid license plate/tag, and maintain current and valid liability insurance.

- A Faulkner University Parking Decal must be properly displayed.
- Decals are NOT designed to be transferred between vehicles.
- There is no limit to the number of registered vehicles for any person.
- Each vehicle must be registered individually to receive a decal.
- There is no fee for a decal.

This form is monitored by the Faulkner Campus Safety and Police Department. For more information contact

Student Vehicle Parking Decal Form

Please select category below that best represents your status:(Required)
I am aware if my information changes; such as a change of vehicle, change of license plate number, or change in student status (example: I move on/off campus), then I am responsible for notifying the Campus Safety and Police Department.(Required)