The Student Success Office (SSO) assists students with academic advising and overall success in college.
SSO provides access to services across the university such as academic departments, career development, counseling, admissions, registrar’s office, financial aid, and student support services.
Our focus is to help students transition to college, stay enrolled and attain a degree.
SSO oversees First Year Experience.
FOCUS2: Choosing a Major/Career Path
Faulkner University uses the FOCUS2 online assessment and career planning tool. Access is free for Faulkner students and alumni.
- Register as a first time user of FOCUS2. The access code is Eagles
- Log-in to FOCUS2 as a returning user.
People on campus who can help you with your FOCUS 2 Assessment results:
- Career Services: Karen Boan: kboan@faulkner.edu
- Student Success Advisor: Conner Futrell cfutrell@faulkner.edu
- Counseling Center: Michelle Bond mbond@faulkner.edu or Roxy Wishum rowishum@faulkner.edu
Tips for Choosing Your Major:
Take the list of majors that Faulkner offers and cross off all that you are not interested in pursuing. For the majors that you are interested in…
- Talk to current majors in the departments of interest.
- Talk to faculty in the departments of interest.
- Conduct web searches (using Focus 2 as your starting point) on careers of interest to see the types of educational preparation that is recommended. Some careers require graduate school.
- Read about each major in the Faulkner Catalog. Read through the required classes-make note of any concerns/questions
- Log in to Focus 2 and research each major
- Check out http://whatcanidowiththismajor.com/major/
Contact Information:
Come to our office in the Rotunda.
Office hours: M-F 8am-5pm.
Phone: 334-386-7960 or 334-386-7382
Helpful links:
- Focus 2 Career Planning Tool: https://www.focuscareer2.com/Portal/Login.cfm?SID=1141
Access Code = Eagles - ULifeline: http://www.ulifeline.org/
- Study Guides and Strategies: http://www.studygs.net/index.htm