The University Health Services

University Health Center

The Health Center provides a registered nurse (RN) to assist students with basic health services and health care needs.

Location: 1st Floor, Tine Davis Gym, Montgomery Campus


On the Montgomery campus, the nurse will make on-campus housing visits when necessary, but students should make an effort to go to the Health Center.


Health Center Services

These services are provided by the RN and are free to all students (pursuant to the Alabama Board of Nursing: Nursing Practice Act 610-X-6-.03)

  • Nursing care and patient counseling.
  • Health promotion and well-being services such as blood pressure checks and temperature checks.
  • Basic treatment of minor cuts, minor sprains, flu, cold, and other minor illnesses.
  • Referrals and assistance in making appointments with a physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or other healthcare providers for other treatments and care. Note: All fees associated with these providers or services are the sole responsibility of the student.

Health Forms

All incoming students must complete the following forms and must provide proof of vaccination before living on campus.

Required Health Form

Immunization and Disease Policies

Health Center Requirements for Traditional Admission

Proof of one of the following:

  • 2nd MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine
  • Doctor’s written validation of having the measles
  • If neither can be produced, the written results of a measles titer need to be given to the Health Center
  • Medical Exemption paper

Copies of MMR vaccine or appropriate substitution may be sent by mail or fax to:

Mail: Faulkner University Health Center
5345 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109

FAX: 334- 386-7523

TB (tuberculosis) Skin Test Results- within 12 months prior to first day of class

  • If TB skin test is positive, the results of a chest x-ray must be given to the Health Center
  • Appropriate documentation of medical follow up care must be given as well.

Tuberculosis Skin Test Results Form (PDF)

Recommended Vaccines:

  1. Meningitis (2 doses, dose # 2 at 16 years of age)
  2. Hepatitis B
  3. Tetanus booster (if due)
  4. Seasonal Influenza

Additional Student Health Information

Healthcare Providers

Faulkner recommends all students identify, contact, and secure a local healthcare provider covered by the student’s insurance prior to registration. For the Montgomery campus, several area healthcare providers have agreed to accept Faulkner students as patients if needed. For all campuses referrals to the area, emergency rooms will be made if the need arises.

Medical/Health Insurance Coverage

Faulkner University cannot be responsible for students’ health-related charges. Students are strongly urged to have medical, accident, hospitalization and health insurance from a reputable provider. Student-athletes are required to obtain health insurance prior to participation in any sport-related activity and must sign an indemnity waiver releasing Faulkner University from the incursion of penalties or liabilities. International students or students from outside the United States are fully responsible for obtaining health insurance prior to beginning coursework at Faulkner.

Medical Emergency Procedures

  1. Call 911 for life-threatening issues.
  2. Go to local hospital Emergency Room for nonlife-threatening issues.
  3. Notify the Health Center and Security.

Absences Due to Illness or Injury

(See Class Attendance Policies in the Academic Section of the Handbook – page 129)
All illnesses or injuries that prevent class attendance must be documented by the Student Health Center by one of the following:

The Health Center does not excuse absences, but only documents the illness or injury.

Reporting Injuries on Campus

Any injury occurring while on campus should be reported on the same day of occurrence. Reports of an incident may be given to the Student Health Center, Security, and/or the center director (for the satellite campuses).

Students with Health Conditions

All students who have health conditions such as allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, other chronic health conditions or take prescribed medication for chronic health conditions are strongly urged to obtain and wear a medical identification warning bracelet.

Mandatory Medical Withdrawal of Students

Faulkner University reserves the right to require a student withdraw for medical reasons when his/her physical, emotional, mental or behavioral state is jeopardized by the student’s continued enrollment, poses a risk to others or impedes the normal programs or activities of the university.

The appropriate university administrator may implement the immediate temporary withdrawal of a student for medical reasons. The University administration will conduct a review of the temporary withdrawal, the circumstances of the withdrawal and the student’s physical, emotional, mental and/or behavioral health to determine further university actions or conditions for reinstatement of the student.

Health Records Confidentiality and HIPAA

The Faulkner University Health Center (referred to in this paragraph as – Facility,(we or us) is required under the federal health care privacy rules (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA, the “Privacy Rules”) to protect the privacy of patient health information, which includes information about patient health history, symptoms, test results, diagnoses, treatment, and claims and payment history (collectively known as Protected Health Information, – PHI). We are also required to provide patients with this Privacy Notice regarding our legal duties, policies, and procedures to protect and maintain the privacy of patient PHI. We are required to follow the terms of this Privacy Notice unless (and until) it is revised. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Notice and to make the new notice provisions effective for the Health Information we maintain and use, as well as for any Health Information we may receive in the future. Should the terms of this Privacy Notice change, we will make a revised copy of the notice available to patients. Revised Privacy Notices will be available at our Facility for individuals to take with them, and we will post a copy of revised Privacy Notices in a prominent location in our Facility. This Privacy Notice will also be posted and made available electronically on our website. Students may contact the University Health Center for more information about Privacy Rules. Appendix K and L contain the current Privacy Notice.