The university food services on the Montgomery campus are managed by Culinary Management Solutions including:
The main dining hall located in the JLP Cafeteria is the hub of Culinary Management Services’ involvement on the Faulkner campus. Serving up to 600 meals on any given day, the cafeteria is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For breakfast, students can select from a variety of meats, pancakes, eggs, grits, fresh fruits, and other classic breakfast items. Also available are cereals, juices, milk, and coffee.
At lunch, diners can find classic meat entrees, home-style vegetables, fresh-baked rolls, a full salad bar, extended grille area with hamburgers, melts, deli sandwiches and grilled chicken. A large variety of fresh-baked desserts and ice cream are a crowd favorite as well.
During the evening meals, CMS adds again to the variety as guests often find theme nights ranging from Mardi Gras, World Variety and Carnival Night. These and other fun festival nights offer foods from all walks of life.
The Grille is located on the top floor of the Multiplex and overlooks the gyms from both sides. The place to go for snacks and food during the games, but also a great alternative for lunch when you don’t have time to make it to the Cafeteria.
Meal Plan and Eagle Bucks are welcome here.
Café Siena is the place to be in between classes, before chapel, just anytime. Besides coffee, we also have fruit smoothies, ice blended drinks and breakfast and lunch items.
Eagle Bucks are welcome here.
Located directly across from the Cafeteria and open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Coffee Cup located at Faulkner Law. You don't have to be a law student to enjoy the wonderful view of campus and the natural lighting which is great for studying.
The Coffee Cup features paninis, salads, wraps, sandwiches and soup. Frozen yogurt is available with waffle cones all the toppings. Eagle Bucks are accepted here.
Monday-Thurday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Cullinary Management Solutions caters university events.
The university food services are open to students, faculty, staff and the public. The university does not offer food services on the extended campuses.
Meal Plans
Faulkner University offers several meal plan options for students. Every student who lives in a campus dormitory is required to purchase a meal plan. The meal plan may be utilized in the J. L. Perry Cafeteria and in the Grille located on the second floor of the gym. In the Grille, the meal plan provides $6 toward the cost of a single meal. Students can use their Eagle Bucks to supplement the meal plan.
Meal Plans
Platinum Eagle - 20 meals per week $2,225 per semester
Silver Eagle - 14 meals per week $2,125 per semester
Apartment Chef I – 10 meals per week $1,880 per semester (not allowed for students in dorm)
Apartment Chef II – 5 meals per week $950 per semester (not allowed for students in dorm)
Meal Plan Accommodation Guidelines
University food services will provide supplemental or alternative dietary choices for students who have documented conditions with Project Key: Disability Services. Students must complete a written application and provide all relevant documentation to Project Key.
To obtain the application call 334-386-7185 or download it here: Meal Plan Accommodations.
The Project Key director will establish the level of accommodation based on the documented health condition and will facilitate establishing the supplemental or alternative dietary choices based on the documented health condition.
In the rare case when university food services is unable to provide supplemental or alternative dietary choices, then the director of Project Key may grant a meal plan waiver. The individual food and taste preferences of a student will not be considered sufficient justification for a cafeteria waiver.
Eagle Bucks
Eagle Bucks are given to full-time traditional students:
20 Meal Plan $250 in Eagle Bucks per Semester
14 Meal Plan $200 in Eagle Bucks per Semester
10 Meal Plan $175 in Eagle Bucks Per Semester
5 Meal Plan $150 in Eagle Bucks Per Semester
- Full time, no meal plan - $100 in Eagle Bucks Per Semester
- Part time, no meal plan - $50 in Eagle Bucks Per Semester
The Eagle Bucks work like a declining balance account on your ID card. Eagle Bucks can be used in the Grille to supplement the meal plan or for the purchase of a la carte and snack items. They may also be used in the Cafeteria, Café Siena and the Coffee Shop. Additional Eagle Bucks can be purchased in the Student Accounts Office (business office).