Master of Science in Management


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The Master of Science in Management with Data Science Emphasis focuses on developing and enhancing business, leadership, and technological skills through a curriculum that incorporates a managerial perspective with a futuristic approach to facilitate success in today's business world.



The Master of Science in Management is designed around an 18 month time frame for professionals who choose to complete this graduate degree at a normal rather than an accelerated pace, allowing such enhancements as face-to-face instruction in a residential environment and professional growth through internship opportunities.

Program Design & Structure

This graduate program of study is delivered at a pace that allows students to maintain full-time employment or equally demanding internships while benefiting from a significant, multi-faceted learning experience. The guided, managed internship allows students to bring their array of skills and learning to real-world situations in business.

Master of Science in Management with Data Science Emphasis Course Requirements

Course Requirements (30 hours):

M.S.M. with Data Science Emphasis Course Requirements:

MSM 6320 Organizational Behavior 3 credit hours
MSM 6323 Marketing Perspectives for Management 3 credit hours
MSM 6326 Ethics for Business and Management 3 credit hours
MSM 6328 Management Information Systems 3 credit hours
MSM 6329 Integrative Business Perspectives 3 credit hours

Data Science Emphasis Courses
MSM 6331 Quantitative Analysis 3 credit hours 
MSM 6351 Data Management for Data Science 3 credit hours
MSM 6352 Applied Data Science and Analysis 3 credit hours
MSM 6353 Python for Data Science 3 credit hours
MSM 6354 Data Visualization 3 credit hours

MSM Internship Requirements
MSM 6001 Internship I 0 credit hours
MSM 6002 Internship II 0 credit hours
MSM 6003 Internship III 0 credit hours
MSM 6004 Internship IV 0 credit hours
MSM 6005 Internship V 0 credit hours

Total Program Semester Hours: 30

Apply Now

  1. Submit a completed online application.
  2. Complete and print the Official Transcript Request  form and submit it to all previously attended schools with the appropriate fee.
  3. Send all additional items via mail to:

Faulkner University
Attn: Graduate Enrollment
5345 Atlanta Hwy
Montgomery, AL 36109

Program Introduction

Faulkner University offers a graduate business and management degree program in an executive format for professionals who intend to expand their career horizons. The Master of Science in Management with Data Science Emphasis focuses on developing and enhancing business, leadership, and technological skills through a curriculum that incorporates a managerial perspective with a futuristic approach to facilitate success in today's business world. The university, in this program, seeks to preserve the relationship between an executive-oriented educational experience and the dynamics of Christian belief through the inclusion of business ethics in the curriculum.

The MSMDS is a graduate business program designed primarily to establish, create, promote, and enhance careers that revolve around management, statistical and quantitative methodology for decision making, marketing, human resource management, and various general business areas. The MSMDS distinguishes itself with its innovative structure, curriculum, and schedule, enabling current and potential executives, managers, supervisors, and other professionals to earn an accredited master's degree.

The program is fast-paced and concise in its presentation, and the newly designed courses are engaging and challenging. Experiential learning in a collaborative environment sharpens the focus of each course. Students gain an understanding of corporate management, human resource management, marketing management, and statistical techniques for analyzing business decisions. Skill and proficiency gained in these areas and others enhance the careers of our MSMDS graduates.

It is structured to:

  • Explore material with absorption, assimilation, and practical applications within each course topic
  • Benefit from rewarding internships and the collaboration opportunities in residential instruction

Program Objectives

  1. To prepare one for employment and advancement in a wide range of positions requiring graduate business education.
  2. To enhance one's knowledge and skills for management functions.
  3. To develop one’s understanding and appreciation for statistical and quantitative reasoning.
  4. To enhance one's knowledge of current managerial practices and trends.
  5. To augment one's skills in critical thinking and decision-making for strategically positioning the institution or organization.
  6. To strengthen one's capacity to be effective in human resource management through the understanding of skills essential for executive decision making.
  7. To prepare the manager for crisis management under varied circumstances.
  8. To develop one’s awareness of group dynamics and organizational behavior.

Average Student Class Size


Online Programs


Minority students


Countries represented


enrolled students

Contact Us

Graduate Enrollment Questions

Director of Graduate & Adult Enrollment Josh Horton

Josh Horton
Director of Graduate and Adult Enrollment

Academic Inquiries - MSMDS Program


Bliss Cantrell
Academic Secretary

Colton Kasarjian, Director of the Master of Science in Management.

Colton Kasarjian
Director of the MSM Program