Obtain a Police Report Are you a student?(Required) Yes No Student ID# (if known) Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Report Number (if known) Date of Incident (if known) MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Incident (if known) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Type of Incident(Required) Accident report Offense report Name(s) of person(s) associated with the report(Required) Your relationship to the report(Required) An involved party Insurance company Vehicle owner Other How are you involved in this incident?(Required) Name of Insurance Company(Required) Explain your relationship to the report(Required) Agreement(Required) I have read the disclaimer below and I understand that there may also be a $25 fee associated with this request.In Alabama, the information contained on the front page of the Alabama Uniform Incident/Offense Report is generally considered a public record. However, police reports may be redacted or limited from disclosure for a number of reasons such as the report may contain confidential information, disclosing the report may endanger the safety of law enforcement personnel or may interfere with an investigation or when keeping all or a portion of a report confidential is necessary to protect witnesses and/or victims. These determinations will be made by Faulkner's Chief of Police. Skip back to main navigation