Using the Library Databases
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To ensure that all Alabama students, teachers and residents have access to AVL resources from home, the AVL Help Desk will provide temporary login credentials to any Alabama user who is unable to automatically authenticate to AVL from their home Internet service. Users with access issues are asked to contact the AVL Help Desk by phone at 1-800-338-8320 or 256-971-7487 to receive temporary login credentials. These credentials will remain valid for at least two months. This period may be extended, depending on how the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold.
Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK, CLICK ON VISIBLE BODY ALONG THE TOOLBAR AT THE TOP AND THEN CLICK ON THE HUMAN ANATOMY ATLAS ICON ALONG THE BOTTOM. Available through (Alabama Virtual Library). If you have difficulty accessing the link above for Visible Body, then you can click on the AVL link above and then scroll down and click on the Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) icon. If you are in the state of Alabama, it should take you directly into the database, if not see the note in red, above.
Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) App for Mobile Devices With the Visible Body app for iPhone® and iPad®, users can place a virtual human organ or complete human body on any flat surface and use their devices as a viewing window to identify and virtually dissect anatomy. Click on the link above to access the app to download on to your mobile device.
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To begin your search from this page, you can…
— select a subject in the blue area on the left side of the screen,
— choose a general database from the list below,
— look in one of two major reference ebook collections below,
— try combining sources from the same vendor in the aggregation area below, or
— find out if any Faulkner databases index a certain periodical in Journal Finder.
If you have any difficulties logging in or if you have any questions in your search for information please feel free to fill out this Ask-A-Librarian form or call us at 386-7207.
Not sure which database will best meet your need for information?
General Databases
Academic OneFile
Academic OneFile provides more than 10,000 peer-reviewed journals with fact-based, reliable, unbiased content. It includes strong coverage of hard sciences, medicine, engineering and business.
Academic Search Premier 
Academic Search Premier has information in nearly every area of academic study and includes full-text for more than 4,600 journals, including more than 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
Access World News Research Collection
This is a premier product from Newsbank with comprehensive coverage of current events. Search current and archived state, national, and international full-text articles on issues, events, business, government, and more with over 4,700 newspapers such as the Anniston Star, Birmingham News, Press-Register, and USA Today.
General OneFile 
General OneFile is a comprehensive periodical resource that provides access to more than 60 million articles. It contains more than 11,000 titles and back file coverage from 1980 to present.
MasterFILE Premier 
MasterFILE Premier is a multidisciplinary database with full text for nearly 1,750 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1975. The database also includes nearly 500 full text reference books, full text from 86,017 biographies, 105,786 full text primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 341,655 photos, maps and flags.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context 
Opposing Viewpoints In Context a full text resource covering today’s controversial social issues such as terrorism and gun control. Drawing on the print series by the same name, the database brings together information needed to understand an issue: pro and con viewpoint articles, reference articles to provide context, full-text magazines, academic journals, and newspapers, primary sources, statistical information, and more.
Major Reference Sources
Britannica Academic Edition Online 
Britannica Academic Edition Online is a comprehensive research tool that offers accurate and up to date topical business information and company and industry intelligence on thousands of global companies. The database covers business, telecommunications, computers, technology, systems, law and more. From Encyclopedia Britannica via AVL.
Gale Virtual Reference Library 
Gale Virtual Reference Library allows searching of a vast collection of electronic reference books provided by the Alabama Virtual Library. The interface for GVRL was recently updated and is much more engaging and easy to use. GVRL is the unified platform for Gale online products, with a growing number of Gale nonfiction ebooks purchased by Faulkner. Everything is cross-searchable.
Oxford Reference Online Premium 
Oxford Reference Online offers over 175 fully-indexed, cross-searchable dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press, including historic timelines.
Full Text Journal Coverage
Journal Finder from W. T. Cox Subscriptions
Faulkner buys most of its journal subscriptions from a company called W. T. Cox. That company produces a software product called Journal Finder, which you can use to find out if there is a full-text version of an article you want for your paper or project. Journal Finder directs you to other online sources, especially when you have an abstract but not full text. It can also direct you to Faulkner’s printed or microform periodicals. Finally, if there are no other options, it can help you request an article on interlibrary loan. One way or another you can get full-text articles using Journal Finder!
An alphabetical listing of all the databases to which the library subscribes or has access through the Alabama Virtual Library.
- Academic OneFile Academic OneFile provides more than 10,000 peer-reviewed journals with fact-based, reliable, unbiased content. It includes strong coverage of hard sciences, medicine, engineering and business.
- Academic Search Premier Academic Search Premier has information in nearly every area of academic study and contains indexing and abstracts for more than 8,500 journals, with full text for more than 4,600 of those titles. From Ebsco via AVL.
- Access World News Research Collection - Supports all curriculum areas and covers virtually any topic...Provides web-based access to more than 8,000 titles from over 200 countries around the world...Offers local, regional, national, international and global perspectives..." (Description retrieved from NewsBank website)From Newsbank, including the following subsets:
- Accessible Archives "Coherent Digital acquired Accessible Archives. All collections are now migrated to History Commons" (Information retrieved from
- AccessMedicine AccessMedicine (ACM) is an online medical resource that provides students with the tools they need to excel in basic and advanced studies, clerkships, and crucial test prep. ACM provides residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with interactive content, self-assessment, and leading medical texts to enhance decision-making at the point-of-care. It and allows for practicing physicians to brush up on their medical knowledge to ensure best patient outcomes. It includes a complete full-text library of clinical and basic science textbooks, including Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20e, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, The Color Atlas of Family Medicine, 2e, and many others.
(description provided by AccessMedicine) JAVAevidence can also be accessed within AccessMedicine. - AccessPhysiotherapy "comprehensive online physiotherapy resource integrates leading physical therapy textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, self-assessment tools, and a unique cadaver dissection tool –optimized for viewing on any device" (Information retrieved from
- Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy "Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is the optimal anatomical learning solution. Watch and listen to world renowned anatomist Dr. Robert Acland — Professor Emeritus of Surgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine — as he shows and explains anatomical movement within each region of the body covering bones, muscles, tendons, organs, and more" (Information retrieved from Ovid Wolters Kluwer website)
- ACLS Humanities E-book [Project] Humanities E-Book is a digital collection of nearly 2,800 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with twenty learned societies, nearly 100 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office. It is an online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the Humanities recommended and reviewed by scholars. From the American Council of Learned Societies.
- Alt HealthWatch focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness and provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine. It offers full text articles for more than 180 international and often peer-reviewed journals and reports. In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. From Ebsco via
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Series 1-5: "EBSCO partners with American Antiquarian Society (AAS), the premier library documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction, to provide digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912" (Information retrieved from EBSCO website).
- ATLA Historical Monographs Collection, Series 1 A major collection of individual works significant to religion, compiled online by the American Theological Library Association. Access for Faulkner alumni is allowed. Coverage: 13th century to 1893. From ATLA via Ebsco.
- ATLA Historical Monographs Collection, Series 2 A second major collection of individual works significant to religion, compiled online by the American Theological Library Association. Access for Faulkner alumni is allowed. Coverage: 1894 to 1923. From ATLA via Ebsco.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials is an index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion and includes ATLA's online collection of major religion and theology journals. The database has more than 474,000 book review citations. From the American Theological Library Association via Ebsco.
- Biblical Archaeology Society Archive This is a magnificent archive of periodical articles published by the Biblical Archaeology Society in its highly regarded journals. From the Biblical Archaeology Society. Includes access to Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review, and Archaeology Odyssey. See BAS website for more information on these titles.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction is a research database for school and public libraries. It contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 4,100 popular nonfiction books. It includes full text entries on core subject areas, as well as information on careers, health, sports, adventure, technology, life skills and more. From Ebsco via
- Book Review Digest Plus Many of the reviews in Book Review digest Plus are from citable journals making it a valuable resource for literary and biographical resarch. Subject indexing, summaries, annotations, and grade level designations make this a useful tool for readers' advisory, collection development, and curriculum support. A WilsonWeb database from Ebsco.
- Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1903-1982 Nearly eight decades of H. W. Wilson's Book Review Digest have been collected in this database which provides excerpts from and citations to reviews of adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction from 1903-1982. A WilsonWeb database from Ebsco.
- Britannica Academic Edition Online Britannica Academic Edition Online is a comprehensive research tool that offers accurate and up to date topical business information and company and industry intelligence on thousands of global companies. The database covers business, telecommunications, computers, technology, systems, law and more. From Encyclopedia Britannica via
- Business Source Complete "Business Source Complete, the second largest database in the Business Source family, is indispensable for business students. With access to 1,811 active full-text journals valued at $889,616.35, it supports research in key business areas such as accounting, finance, management, marketing and beyond" (Information retrieved from From Ebsco.
- CINAHL Complete “is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals… users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more… provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more. Content includes: Full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL Database, Indexing for more than 5,400 journals, Searchable cited references for more than 1,500 journals, Full text dating back to 1937″. Information retrieved from Ebsco website
- Clase y Periodica * Clase y Periodica offers access to more than 300,000 bibliographic citations from documents published in 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages. CLASE indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities. PERIODICA covers journals specializing in science and technology. From OCLC via AVL. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
Cochrane Clinical Answers “Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, digestible, clinically-focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane Reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform point-of-care decision-making. Each CCA contains a clinical question, a short answer, and data for the outcomes from the Cochrane Review deemed most relevant to practising healthcare professionals, our target audience. The evidence is displayed in a user-friendly tabulated format that includes narratives, data, and links to graphics. Cochrane Clinical Answers were developed by Cochrane Innovations and Wiley” (Information retrieved from Cochrane Library website). TO ACCESS FROM OFF CAMPUS, AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK ABOVE, CLICK ON “INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN” AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. FROM THERE LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY LOGGING IN PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews “The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) is the leading journal and database for systematic reviews in health care. CDSR includes Cochrane Reviews (systematic reviews) and protocols for Cochrane Reviews as well as editorials and supplements. CDSR (ISSN 1469-493X) is owned and produced by Cochrane, a global, independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers, and people interested in health. Aims and Scope: CDSR covers any topic relevant to health care, including health services” (Information retrieved from Cochrane Library website). TO ACCESS FROM OFF CAMPUS, AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK ABOVE, CLICK ON “INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN” AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. FROM THERE LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY LOGGING IN PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY.
Cochrane Methodology Register “bibliography of publications that report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books, and conference proceedings, and the content is sourced from MEDLINE and hand searches. CMR contains studies of methods used in reviews and more general methodological studies that could be relevant to anyone preparing systematic reviews. CMR records contain the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details), and, in some cases, a summary of the article. They do not contain the full text of the article…The CMR was produced by the Cochrane UK, until 31st May 2012. There are currently no plans to reinstate the CMR and it is not receiving updates.*” (Information retrieved from Cochrane Methods Methodology Register). TO ACCESS FROM OFF CAMPUS, AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK ABOVE, CLICK ON “INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN” AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. FROM THERE LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY LOGGING IN PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY.
- College Source Online A nationally respected source of in-depth information on the course offerings of colleges and universities throughout the country, directly from their college catalogs. From the Career Guidance Foundation.
- Criminology Collection is available through ProQuest. "The Criminology Collection covers criminology, criminal Justice, and security. The collection includes the Criminal Justice Database and the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database." From ProQuest. (Retrieved from ProQuest). AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- Dissertations and Theses This full text database from ProQuest is one of the most comprehensive collections of dissertations and theses in the world. It is the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and the database of record for graduate research. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 as well as a strong retrospective coverage for older graduate works. From ProQuest AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- Early American Imprints, Series I and II, from America's Historical Imprints Definitive collections of early American publications compiled by the Evans and Shaw-Shoemaker collaborations, with thousands of items in each of the two collections. From Readex, a division of Newsbank.
- EbscoHost eBook Collection (formerly NetLibrary) This comprehensive ebook portal from EBSCO provides electronic books owned by the Nichols Library and available to Faulkner users on all campuses. The library staff is open to suggestions for consideration of new ebooks from Ebsco.
- Encyclopedia of Alabama Locally compiled information in a handy web site. From the State of Alabama and Auburn University.
- ERIC via EbscoHost ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966. Searching ERIC with this link, you can combine it with other available Ebsco databases and H. W. Wilson databases, which were purchased by Ebsco.
- Ethnic NewsWatch Ethnic NewsWatch is an interdisciplinary, bilingual (English & Spanish) and comprehensive full text database of newspapers, magazines and journals from ethnic, minority and native presses. From ProQuest via
- Expanded Academic ASAP Expanded Academic ASAP, now called Gale Academic OneFile Select, provides access to scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers, many with full text and images. It includes information about the arts and humanities, social sciences, science and technology. From Gale via
- F.A. Davis PT Collection (through McGraw-Hill Medical) "The F.A. Davis PT Collection is the most comprehensive digital subscription product on the market for educators and physical therapy students. This partnership between F.A. Davis and McGraw-Hill Education brings you a comprehensive online PT resource that covers the entire spectrum of physical therapy for viewing on any device" (Description retrieved from
- FirstSearch * FirstSearch is the gateway to ten databases which can be used for indexing and abstracting. The databases are not full text, and they include: ArticleFirst, Clase y Periodica, Electronic Collections Online, ERIC, GPO Monthly Catalog, MEDLINE, PapersFirst, ProceedingsFirst, WorldCat and World Almanac. From OCLC via
. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Gale Academic OneFile Select Formerly Expanded Academic ASAP, provides access to scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers, many with full text and images. It includes information about the arts and humanities, social sciences, science and technology. From Gale via
- Gale Business Insights: Essentials This database combines all of the content formerly found in Business & Company Resource Center. "With over 460,000 company profiles, including 2,000 with deep links to related content and Refinitiv statistical data, Gale Business Insights: Essentials provides daily updates to keep up with the ever-changing corporate landscape. Additionally, full-text periodicals combined with new and updated content allow researchers to gain a broader understanding of U.S. business and industry" (Description retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Directory Library Formerly Biography and Genealogy Master Index. "60+ years of valued directories. 23 well-respected titles. One customizable collection. Zero shelf space. Since 1954, Gale has been publishing authoritative directories on companies, publishers, associations and more. The Gale Directory Library offers a wide-range of data sorting, filtering, and exporting options so users can tailor results and put them to practical use...lets libraries customize content. Consider the benefits of selecting the directories most relevant to your patrons’ needs – including business and market research, medical and health topics, publishing, government, higher education, research and more. An added value—purchase and own directories like a book collection, but use them like a database due to the robust export features" (Description retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale EBOOKS (Formerly GVRL, Gale Virtual Reference Library) Gale Virtual Reference Library is the platform for Gale online products, providing reference ebooks in a variety of academic fields, paid for by AVL, and a growing number of Gale nonfiction ebooks purchased by Faulkner. Everything is cross-searchable.
- Gale General OneFile "Our largest general-interest periodical resource, General OneFile allows researchers to find the information they want quickly. With intuitive searching that mirrors Internet searches, users can easily tap into sources that are guaranteed for quality. Most full-text with no embargo and recommended by Bowker's Magazines for Libraries. We've included reference, newspaper, and audio content that complements the resource's robust collection of magazines and journals. With millions of articles available,...serves a wide audience of readers" (Description retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale In Context: Environmental Studies (Formerly GREENR, Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources) GREENR database is for students and faculty interested in an academic approach to environmental topics. It is a resource that combines news, commentary, audio, video, primary source documents, images, conference reports, stats, and more. The content is from Gale academic publishing partners including Elsevier and Sage publications. From Gale via
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints in Context "the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions. Opposing Viewpoints is a rich resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. A category on the National Debate Topic provides quick and easy access to content on frequently studied and discussed issues. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more" (Information retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale LegalForms: "wide selection of essential state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms that may be customized for the most common legal procedures. These forms are used by attorneys and law firms. Includes real estate contracts, wills, premarital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant, and many others. Many forms are ideal for supporting legal tasks relevant to business owners, such as filing for copyrights, patents and trademarks, articles of incorporation, licenses, and more" Information retrieved from the Gale website. From Gale via
- Gale Literary Index * Gale Literary Index is a master index to the major literature products published by Gale. It combines and cross-references over 165,000 author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for over 215,000 titles into one source. From Gale. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Gale Literature Formerly Gale Literary Sources, Research authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Search across several major Literature databases to find full text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews. From Gale via
- Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors "continuous access to current biographical and bibliographical data on more than 120,000 modern authors. Each entry contains the most complete and up-to-date entry, accessible through an easy-to-use interface with a variety of search paths to help you locate the information you need quickly and efficiently. You can easily search for an author by name, title of work, subject/genre, nationality, date and place of birth, honors, awards and much more" (Description received from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature Criticism "Gale Literature Criticism takes literature, history and culture to the next level with the largest, most extensive compilation of literary commentary available. The 10 award-winning series that comprise Gale Literature Criticism represent a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres. Imagine centuries of analysis—the scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals—delivered in an easy-to-use online format that matches the exact look and content of the print originals. The net result is tens of thousands of hard-to-find essays at your fingertips. It's all designed to raise the level of research while providing the around-the-clock remote access that today's researchers demand" [Contains Contemporary Literary Criticism Online] (Description retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography "For 30 years, libraries have looked to Dictionary of Literary Biography for biographical and critical essays on the lives, works and careers of the world's most influential literary figures. Now imagine this print reference—more than 16,000 articles and thousands of images—online and digitized to match the look and feel of the print source! This award-winning content is now easy to search, retrieve and analyze" (Description retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature: LitFinder "provides access to a wealth of literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history. Including more than 132,000 full-text poems and 670,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. Researchers can easily target the information they are looking for through various refine search and results limiter options. Biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary are also included" (Information retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature Resource Center "Researchers can find up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world. Gale Literature Resource Center brings together materials that support interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy, and the development of critical thinking skills. Researchers with a literature, history, arts, gender studies, or cultural studies focus can use this resource to analyze authors and works throughout time" (Information retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature: Scribner Writers Series "Browse original scholarly essays on authors from around the world. Places authors and their works in personal and historical context" (Description retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Literature: Twayne Authors Series "Find in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers. Includes influences of literary movements" (Description retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Agriculture Formerly the Infotrac Agriculture Collection. "With broad coverage of agriculture and its related fields, this collection provides a comprehensive view of a growing body of knowledge. Researchers will have access to current and authoritative periodical content that spans the industry—from practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture. With strong emphasis on titles covered in the Agricola database, this collection of more than 600 journal titles is focused on agriculture-related fields. In addition, more than 30 Delmar titles provide in-depth coverage on a variety of agriculture-related topics" (Description retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Business Formerly Business Collection. "A comprehensive business resource for the undergraduate researcher seeking company news, the public library patron making personal investment decisions, or the high school student looking to major in business administration, Gale OneFile: Business provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily. Complementing these titles is a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications, all available on the state-of-the-art Gale OneFile platform" (Description retrieved from Gale website). An Infotrac database from Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media Formerly Communications and Mass Media Collection. "Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media brings together information found in more than 400 journals. Nearly 3 million articles on all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics, and literature, meet the needs of researchers. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience" (Descriptions from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete "collection of more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports is a great resource for any educator—from the school teacher and administrator to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level. Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete seeks to provide full text for titles in the ERIC database and covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing. It also provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy" (Information retrieved from the Gale website From Gale.
- Gale OneFile: Fine Arts Formerly the Fine Arts and Music Collection, this database "places 10.4 million articles at the fingertips of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. More than 250 journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) index are available in full text" (Information retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine Formerly Health Reference Center Academic, "the perfect resource for up-to-date information on the complete range of health care topics. With more than 2,500 embargo-free, full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries, Health Reference Center Academic ensures that researchers get current, scholarly, comprehensive answers to health-related questions" (information retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: Informe Academico "meets the research needs of Spanish-speaking users with a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America. Informe Académico provides quality reference material—not simply translations of English-language materials—on a powerful, easy-to-use interface configured for Spanish-speaking users, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish" (Information retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale OneFile: LegalTrac "provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text. The American Association of Law Libraries not only endorses LegalTrac, its special advisory committee selects, reviews, and enhances the content of this resource. The database offers coverage of federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law" (Information retrieved from the Gale website). From Gale via
- General OneFile: Science Formerly General Science Collection. "With the General Science Collection, researchers can remain current with the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and hundreds of other areas. More than 350 full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, this collection includes more than 1.6 million articles to satisfy almost every scientific inquiry. Key subjects covered include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology" (Information retrieved from Gale website). From Gale via
- Gale Powersearch Gale Databases are a group of approximately 24 databases including eBooks and reference materials, as well as abstracted and full text journals, magazines, and newspapers. This approach is for combining them for searching together. From Gale via
- Gale Primary Sources: Introduction to U.S. History: The American Revolution Formerly Sources in US History Online: The American Revolution. Explore writings on the American Revolution by those who lived it. Sources in U.S. History Online: The American Revolution includes primary source documents, such as personal accounts, pamphlets, monographs, congresses, speeches, maps and a wealth of material detailing the European point of view. Together they tell the whole story of the American Revolutionary War, from 1763 to 1783. From Gale.
- Gale Primary Sources: Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War Formerly Sources in US History Online: The Civil War. This archive marks a period when friends were enemies and the United States was torn in half. Professor Paul Finkelman (Albany Law School) has crafted an archive that offers in-depth Insight into military, diplomatic, cultural and legal history, as well as special areas of study including Southern, African American, medical history, the history of technology and more. Gale presents readers with a rare chance to learn first hand what life was like when the violent divide between north and south threatened to destroy the country. From Gale.
- Gale Primary Sources: Introduction to U.S. History: Slavery in America Formerly Sources in US History Online: Slavery in America. Slavery in America Digital Collection contains over 500 relevant documents, allowing students, faculty and patrons to study the institution of slavery from the 17th century through the end of the 19th century through personal narratives, pamphlets, addresses, monographs, sermons, political speeches, and periodicals documenting key aspects of the history of slavery in America. From Gale.
- Gale Primary Sources: The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 Formerly The Making of Modern Law. "Together, the distinct collections that comprise The Making of Modern Law cover nearly every aspect of American and British law and dig deep into the legal traditions of Europe, Latin America, Asia, and other jurisdictions, both classic and contemporary. Encompassing a range of analytical, theoretical, and practical literature, these collections support and complement the traditional study of law by featuring valuable books from the most influential legal writers throughout history" (description from the Gale website). From Gale via the Jones School of Law.
- Gale Religion & Philosophy eBook Collection Religion & Philosophy eBook Collection includes e-book reference titles in religion and philosophy that are part of the Gale EBOOKS, formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library made available through
- Gospel Advocate Obituary Index Gospel Advocate Obituary Index lists obituaries published in the Gospel Advocate between 1855 and 1994. It was compiled by members of the Lehman Avenue Church of Christ in Bowling Green, Kentucky. From the Gospel Advocate. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Health Source-Consumer Edition Health Source Consumer Edition is a collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide, providing information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. It provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines. From Ebsco via
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. It also features the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which covers 1,300 generic drug patient education sheets with more than 4,700 brand names. From Ebsco via
- Hein Online - Password Required When Off Campus This database comes from the world's largest distributor of legal periodicals. 80 million pages of material are presented as full-image periodical documents. Law Journal Library, European Center for Minority Issues, Federal Register Library, Legal Classics, Treatises and Agreements Library, US Attorney General Opinions, and the US Supreme Court Library are contributing agencies. From William S. Hein & Co. via the Jones School of Law.
- History Reference Center History Reference Center offers full text from more than 2,300 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, cover to cover full text for more than 130 leading history periodicals, more than 61,100 historical documents, 66,000 biographies of historical figures, more than 110,200 historical photos and maps, and more than 80 hours of historical video. From Ebsco via
- Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) Available through
(Alabama Virtual Library). After clicking on the link above, click on Visible Body located in the toolbar, then scroll down and click on the Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) icon.
- Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body) App for Mobile Devices With the Visible Body app for iPhone® and iPad®, users can place a virtual human organ or complete human body on any flat surface and use their devices as a viewing window to identify and virtually dissect anatomy. Click on the link above to access the app to download on to your mobile device.
*****Easier AVL Access:
To ensure that all Alabama students, teachers and residents have access to AVL resources from home, the AVL Help Desk will provide temporary login credentials to any Alabama user who is unable to automatically authenticate to AVL from their home Internet service. Users with access issues are asked to contact the AVL Help Desk by phone at 1-800-338-8320 or 256-971-7487 to receive temporary login credentials. These credentials will remain valid for at least two months. This period may be extended, depending on how the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold.*****
- IOP Science IOP Publishing provides publications through which leading-edge scientific research is distributed worldwide. The library's purchased plan allows freedom to browse the database and download a certain number of articles in a 12-month period. From the Institute of Physics.
- Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full Text and Retro This combination features the power of two databases. Retro covers 1908 to 1981 with indexing and abstracting. The full text product starts in 1982 and continues to the present, with actual full-text coverage starting in the mid-1990's. WilsonWeb databases from Ebsco via the Jones School of Law. Industrial and Labor Relations Review The link for this web journal has been moved to our page for Individual Online Journals. It can be found within the law resources link. From Ebsco.
- JAMAevidence "Evidence-based medicine (EBM) integrates the best available evidence with clinical experience that allows clinicians to recommend, and their patients to make, informed choices consistent with their values. JAMAevidence helps decision makers identify the best available evidence by providing guides to the systematic consideration of the validity, importance, and applicability of claims about the assessment of health problems and the outcomes of health care" (Information retrieved from JAMAevidence can be accessed via AccessMedicine.
- Journal Finder from W. T. Cox Subscription Service Most of the library's journal subscriptions are purchased from W. T. Cox. This company provides a software product, Journal Finder, which can help in searching for full-text versions of articles which will help in research for a paper or project. Journal Finder directs the searcher to other online sources, especially when there are only abstracts; not full text. It can also direct you to Faulkner's printed or microform periodicals. Finally, if there are no other options, it can help you request an article on interlibrary loan. Through one of any of these avenues mentioned, full-text articles can be found using Journal Finder!
- JSTOR The JSTOR archive holds the complete digitized back runs of core scholarly journals, starting with the very first issues, some dating as far back as the 1600s. Faulkner University users also have access to the Arts & Sciences III and Arts & Sciences IV Collections. From Ithaka, creators of ARTstor.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 500 core journals, more than 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s. From Ebsco via AVL.
- Library Literature & Information Science Full Text Indexes English and foreign-language periodicals, selected state journals, conference proceedings, pamphlets, books, and library school theses, plus over 300 books per year. Delivers full text journal articles cover to cover from over a hundred select publications. A WilsonWeb database from Ebsco. Coverage includes indexing and abstracting from 1984 and full-text articles from 1994 forward.
- LLMC Digital This screen searches the digital collection of the Law Library Microform Consortium, a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving legal, historical, and government documents and providing easy access to thousands of them in digital and microform versions. From the LLMC via Jones School of Law.
- Loeb Classical Library Online Harvard University Press presents an interconnected, fully searchable virtual library of important information in Greek and Latin literature. The database contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts and allows readers to search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease.
- LWW Health Library PA Core Collection "LWW Health Library delivers trusted health science education and clinical content directly to students, faculty, and staff through a single portal—providing interactive online access to essential texts, procedure videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks specifically tailored for the specialty. In addition to health science schools and hospitals, these resources are a must-have for related educational programs—ensuring you have the resources you need to effectively support your students’ foundational learning and clinical practice" -- (Description retrieved from LWW Health Library PA Core Collection handout). AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, CLICK ON OPENATHENS WHERE IT SAYS "SIGN IN VIA". A SEARCH BOX FOR INSTITUTIONS SHOULD APPEAR, SCROLL DOWN TO FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND CLICK ON IT. FROM THERE, LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO.
- Mango Languages Mango is the easiest, most effective way to become conversational in any of the languages for which Faulkner has purchased lesson sets. Try it, and you will be amazed at how quickly you can get beyond simple greetings. Mango has an iPhone app that also works on iPad, for your convenience. From Mango Languages.
- MasterFILE Premier MasterFILE Premier is a multidisciplinary database with full text for nearly 1,750 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1975. The database also includes nearly 500 full text reference books, full text from 86,017 biographies, 105,786 full text primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 341,655 photos, maps and flags. From Ebsco via
- MEDLINE Complete “MEDLINE Complete is the leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals. It is the largest companion to the MEDLINE index, providing full text for thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing. It is an essential research tool for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers…Content includes more that 2,200 full-text journals…Full-text coverage dating back to 1916” (Information retrieved from EBSCO website). TO ACCESS FROM OFF CAMPUS, AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK ABOVE, CLICK ON “INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN” AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. FROM THERE LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY LOGGING IN PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY.
- Mental Measurements Yearbook is “produced by the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska, this database provides a comprehensive guide to contemporary testing instruments. Designed for an audience ranging from novice test consumers to experienced professionals, the series contains information for evaluating test products in psychology, education, business and leadership.” Information retrieved from Ebsco website.
- Military & Government Collection Military & Government Collection from Ebsco is designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government. This database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals, and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of those sites. It provides cover-to-cover full text for nearly 300 journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for nearly 400 titles. From Ebsco via
- NCJRS Abstracts Database The NCJRS: National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database is published by the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice's National Criminal Justice Reference Service, an information clearinghouse for people around the U.S. and the world involved with research, policy, and practice related to criminal and juvenile justice, and drug control. The NCJRS Abstracts Database contains summaries of over 203,000 U.S. and international publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, audiovisual presentations, and unpublished research. The NCJRS Abstracts Database excludes most legal decisions, opinions, and statutes. The collection has been developed to meet the needs of criminal justice professionals, researchers, policymakers, and technical and legal experts. Unique elements of the collection include agency produced documents and final grant reports of Office of Justice Programs sponsored research. Documents are either written in English or have an English-language summary. (Information retrieved from From ProQuest.
- National Jukebox This music listening collection is still in its early stages but promises to be a vast archive of American musical experience. Maintained by the Library of Congress, it is freely available on the web.
- National Science Digital Library National Science Digital Library is the nation's online library for education and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Designed primarily for K-16 educators, anyone can access the library and search at no cost. (Access to most of the resources discovered through NSDL is free, but some content providers may require a login, or a small fee or subscription to retrieve their specific resources.)
- Naxos Music Library Naxos Music Library is an online classical music library. It offers streaming access to more than 43,650 CDs. The library also offers the catalogs of more than 50 classical, jazz and world music labels. Other resources offered by NML include synopses of over 700 operas, a pronunciation guide for composer and artist names and a glossary of musical terms. A comprehensive online encyclopedia of classical music is in development. From Naxos of America. NetLibrary E-Content Collection The new name for this service is the Ebsco eBook Collection (listed above).
- New Testament Abstracts * New Testament Abstracts Online is a product of a partnership between ATLA and Boston College. The database is a research and bibliographic aid for scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament and its historical background. The database contains more than 40,000 article abstracts, 1,200 review abstracts, 14,900 book abstracts, and 50 software abstracts. From Ebsco. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Newspaper Source Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for 35 national & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for more than 375 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided. From Ebsco via
- Old Testament Abstracts * Old Testament Abstracts Online is a product of a partnership between ATLA and the Catholic Biblical Association. The database features indexing and abstracts for journal articles, monographs, multi-author works, and software related to Old Testament studies. Topics covered include antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology, philology. From Ebsco. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Oxford English Dictionary The Oxford English Dictionary is a historical dictionary. It is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. The OED is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books. From Oxford University Press via
- Oxford Reference Online Premium Oxford Reference Online offers over 175 fully-indexed, cross-searchable dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.
- PEDro "PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, a free database of over 47,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality. These quality ratings are used to quickly guide users to trials that are more likely to be valid and to contain sufficient information to guide clinical practice. PEDro is produced by the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, School of Public Health at the University of Sydney and is hosted by Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)" (Information retrieved from PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database))
- The Physics Teacher Online The Physics Teacher Online, from the American Association of Physics Teachers website, publishes papers on the teaching of physics, and on topics such as contemporary physics, applied physics, and the history of physics all aimed at the introductory-level teacher.
- Points of View Reference Center Points of View Reference Center is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. It provides more than 290 topics, each with an overview (objective background and description), point (argument), counterpoint (opposing argument), and Critical Thinking Guide. From Ebsco via
- Professional Development Collection Professional Development Collection is designed for professional educators and provides a highly specialized collection of 520 high quality education journals, including nearly 350 peer-reviewed titles. The database also contains more than 200 educational reports. From Ebsco via
- Pronunciator "Pronunciator provides the interactivity, measured progress, and advanced content that university students need to support their studies; international students need to ease their transition; and faculty can use when preparing to go abroad.With innovative features like teacher-led live conversation groups, and best-in-class pronunciation analysis..." (Information retrieved from Pronunciator website. From Pronunciator via
- ProQuest Congressional ProQuest Congressional, a comprehensive resource, offers full-text of congressional bills, testimony, reports, documents, selected prints, and the Congressional Record for recent years, as well as the U.S. Code, the Federal Register, and the Code of Federal Regulations. It covers a wide variety of additional congressional information, including member biographical and committee assignment information, voting records, and financial data. Also included is the Congressional Serial Set. The Serial Set, labeled Historical Full-Text in ProQuest Congressional, will include the American State Papers, House and Senate Reports, House and Senate Documents, selected Executive Branch documents, other documents that Congress ordered printed, as well as all maps, illustrations, photos, and lithographs found within the printed Serial Set. From ProQuest via the Jones School of Law. AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- ProQuest Criminal Justice Formerly called the Criminal Justice Periodical Index (CJPI) Coverage: 1981-present ProQuest Criminal Justice is a comprehensive collection of U.S. and international criminal justice journals including information for professionals in law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security. From ProQuest. AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- ProQuest Psychology Journals ProQuest Psychology Journals provides abstracts and indexing for more than 640 titles, with over 540 titles available in full text. User access includes charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements essential to psychological research. From ProQuest. AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- ProQuest Religion ProQuest Religion includes over 135 titles, with more than 120 available in full text. The database provides details on doctrines and philosophies, reports on religious history, and related archeology. It also covers formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of specific religions. Primary faiths represented in the database are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. From ProQuest. AFTER CLICKING ON THE ABOVE LINK, SCROLL DOWN TO "OTHER ACCESS OPTIONS" AND BELOW THAT CLICK ON "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN". IF ON A MOBILE DEVICE, YOU SHOULD SEE "USE YOUR INSTITUTION'S LOCAL LOGIN" TO THE RIGHT OF LOGIN. NOW TYPE IN FAULKNER UNIVERSITY AND SEARCH. THEN CLICK ON FAULKNER UNIVERSITY LINK WHEN IT APPEARS.
- PsycARTICLES "Database of full-text peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals....This esteemed collection from the foremost publisher in psychology provides access to the full spectrum of research in the field—from cutting-edge research from preeminent scholars, to the historical underpinnings of the behavioral and social sciences. With current journal coverage and historical content dating back more than a century". Information retrieved from EBSCO website.
- PsycBOOKS from the American Psychological Association (APA), PsycBOOKS is a database of more than 18,000 chapters in PDF from over 1,400 books published by APA and other distinguished publishers. It also includes more than 700 classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology dating from 1806, and the exclusive electronic release of more than 1,500 authored entries from APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.
- PubMed PubMed is a free online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, including citations to journals found in MEDLINE. From NLM via
- Regional Business News Regional Business News database provides full-text coverage for regional business publications. Updated daily, it incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. From Ebsco via
- Restoration Serials Index * Restoration Serials Index provides access to periodical literature produced by members of the churches of Christ and historically related groups. The index facilitates scholarly research about Biblical teachings and restoration of New Testament Christianity and documents the broad spectrum of thought among churches of Christ and historically related groups. Independently produced. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.
- Rotunda Access to a variety of resources on the ratification of the US Constitution, including broadsides, pamphlets, newspaper articles, letters, and governmental records, as well as the papers of James Madison. From the University of Virginia Press.
- SpringerLink for Ebooks SpringerLink is one way to access the extensive Springer Verlag catalog of ebooks to find the ones Faulkner has purchased. The other method of access is to search the Faulkner Libraries catalog and find linked items there individually. Although Springer says that only 5% of ebook access comes through SpringerLink, it is a convenient way to get familiar with Springer and see what is available.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text “the definitive database for sports and sports medicine research. Providing hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals, it is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports. Subjects covered include nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health, exercise physiology and kinesiology…Content includes nearly 660 full-text journals…Full-text coverage dating back to 1930...Abstracts for more than 970 journals…More than 3,800 detailed records for sports-related video…Nearly 170,000 articles with searchable cited references” (Information retrieved from EBSCO website). TO ACCESS FROM OFF CAMPUS, AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK ABOVE, CLICK ON “INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN” AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. FROM THERE LOGIN AS YOU NORMALLY DO. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY LOGGING IN PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY.
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is a research center at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. In order to search this database you must create an account or register on their site. After you login using OpenAthens, go to the top right side of the screen and click on the linked word "Register". From there you can enter your information and follow the instructions in order to create your account. They will then send you an email with instructions, follow those and once you click on the link you should be able to then search the database.
- Tolkien Studies Journal- Journal available through Project Muse. "Tolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review presents the growing body of critical commentary and scholarship on both J. R. R. Tolkien’s voluminous fiction and his academic work in literary and linguistic fields" (Information retrieved from West Virginia University Press website).
- TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network)- "a library of over 24,938 theological thesis/dissertation titles representing research from as many as 150 different institutions. Titles may be ordered online through our search and order system" (Info retrieved from TREN website).
- United Nations Treaty Collection United Nations Treaty Collection contains the current status of over 500 multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General. Links to the full texts are provided. From the United Nations.
- UpToDate
- Vocational & Career Collection (EBSCO) Vocational & Career Collection is designed for vocational and technical libraries servicing high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public. This collection provides full text coverage for more than 350 trade and industry related periodicals. From Ebsco via
- Vocations & Careers Collection (GALE) "provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers hundreds of current and applicable periodicals, from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals" Information retrieved from Gale website.
- Wall Street Journal "critical resource of curated content in print, online and mobile apps, complete with breaking news streams, interactive features, video, online columns and blogs. Published by Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal has been a trusted name since 1889 for unparalleled analysis and unique reporting informing decisions that drive the world forward" (Information retrieved from From Dow Jones. DO NOT SHARE YOUR LOGIN INFORMATION FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL WITH ANYONE. AFTER CLICKING ON THE LINK YOU SHOULD BE PROMPTED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT. YOU WILL NEED TO SELECT UNDER ACCOUNT TYPE WHETHER YOU ARE A STUDENT OR FACULTY, CREATE A PASSWORD, SELECT WHETHER YOU WANT TO RECEIVE UPDATES, ACCEPT THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THEN CLICK CREATE. ALSO, EVERY 3 DAYS YOU MUST CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
- Wiley Online Library
- WorldCat * WorldCat is a catalog of books and other materials which are found in libraries throughout the world. This is an excellent tool for discovering other libraries that have books and materials that you may need which Faulkner does not have. From OCLC. *Citation only index; NO FULL TEXT.