A Biblical studies degree from Faulkner University is, from the founding of the university, the very cornerstone of what the institution was built on. In fact, the university was formerly known as the Montgomery Bible College and was founded by Christian men to train up young people in the Christian faith.
The V.P. Black College of Biblical Studies at Faulkner University carries the torch of that mission, dedicated to conveying a Christian worldview to students of all majors, with the Bible at the center of Faulkner’s curriculum.
“Two things that the College of Biblical Studies at Faulkner does is to prepare future ministers, or provide a current minister with additional skills and second, to provide foundation for every student to have a biblical worldview,” said Todd Brenneman, dean of the V.P. Black College of Biblical Studies.
Those traditional students who are pursuing a degree in Bible to either preach or teach are now known as Zorn scholars. They are taught everything from the biblical text, Christian history, mission work capability, ministry skills, and ministerial counseling to practical applications like how to deliver Bible lessons or a sermon and how to run a youth or college ministry. They practice what they’ve learned through interning at a church of their choosing.
Jason Owen graduated from Faulkner with a Bible undergraduate degree and Master’s. He is now the preaching minister for Central Valley Church of Christ, which he planted for the purpose of making disciples in a growing area of Limestone County, Alabama.
“My studies at Faulkner expanded my capacity for vision casting and managing ministry objectives. I was challenged and grew in my abilities to effectively communicate, to reach a diverse population, and provide compassionate pastoral care,” Owen said. “The V.P Black School of Biblical Studies expanded my capacity to think critically which enabled a deeper walk with Christ. The faculty spoke into my life and provided tools that have allowed me to grow in my ministry to God’s children.”
The Bible department at Faulkner is especially unique in their approach to youth and family ministry. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies offers a youth and family ministry track that provides students with the knowledge and interpersonal skills required to aid families of today’s church.
“We incorporate a lot more enhancement of the students’ skills in handling family challenges and development than other similar programs,” Brenneman said. “We integrate training in parenting skills, godly human sexuality and family strengths that you don’t find elsewhere, which is a testament to the training that Drs. Steve and Alan Wages provide.”
Since President Mitch Henry became president of the university in June 2022, his vision for the university has been to promote vocational ministry among students no matter what study they pursue. A vision for students, no matter what career field they enter, to use their work place as their mission field to spread the love of Jesus Christ to those around them. It’s a mission that comes naturally to the department of biblical studies where they train up students to be ministers and teachers in their churches to lead others into the saving grace of Jesus through baptism.
However, the vision doesn’t end there for the Bible department. For years, the Bible department at Faulkner has been instrumental in incorporating that mission into every undergraduate student’s degree path through the foundational class, Christian Cultural Heritage.
Currently taught by Dr. Rick Trull, Christian Cultural Heritage helps create a biblical foundation in students where they consider what it means to be a Christian and especially how to be a Christian first and employee second. Students are asked how they might incorporate evangelism into their workplace, wherever they may be led after graduation.
“Vocational ministry, it’s that idea of reflecting on being a Christian and living that out in your day-to-day life,” Brenneman said. “So we provide a biblical framework for any major helping students fuse science, business practices, health sciences and others with biblical principles of service. Trull’s class is for non-Bible majors and it helps students reflect on their Christian worldview as it impacts what they will do or where they will go. For example, that could mean creating a faith-based business or hosting prayer times at work.”
Students who complete a traditional undergraduate degree at Faulkner, also graduate with a minor in Bible, proving how integrated the Bible department is in every students’ studies.
Apply now at www.faulkner.edu/apply