
Spiritual Formation The Focus at Annual President’s Circle of Friends Luncheon

Spiritual Formation The Focus at Annual President’s Circle of Friends Luncheon

Sam Jackson addresses donors at President's Circle Luncheon and speaks on his spiritual growth while attending Faulkner.
Sam Jackson addresses donors at President’s Circle Luncheon.

Sam Jackson discovered Faulkner University through a football scholarship, but what he found on campus was his spiritual family.

A criminal justice major, Eagles football left tackle and now senior, Jackson spoke to nearly one hundred members of the President’s Circle of Friends at the annual luncheon. He shared with them how Faulkner and the faculty and staff at the university have been instrumental in his spiritual and professional growth.

“Coming to Faulkner was a way to play the sport I loved, but it has become so much more to me. It’s family,” Jackson said. “Number one, Faulkner is amazing because it teaches us not only how to develop professionally, but how to grow in God. I’ve gotten to know so many good people here and life-long friends, I never would have met if it hadn’t been for football, mentoring students and my social club.”

President Henry calls Sam Jackson to the podium during the President's Circle luncheon.
President Henry calls Sam Jackson to the podium during the President’s Circle luncheon.

“I tell new students all the time, Faulkner is what you make of it,” he added. “If you seek to learn from your professors, you will excel and you will be ready for a successful career, a successful marriage and family and a real relationship with God. The faculty and staff go above and beyond for you. I’m thankful to God for opening up the door for me to come here.”

Jackson is an example of the many students on campus who have found friendships, found his Savior Christ Jesus and found a future career. After interning with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) this summer, Jackson will seek training as an Alabama State Trooper after his graduation in May. Jackson is the kind of student donors in the President’s Circle are helping through their generous donations.

Those who give a tax-deductible gift of $1000 or more over the course of one year are automatically added to the President’s Circle. Students like Jackson need financial assistance to attend Faulkner. This year, a generous donor has issued a second challenge and will match gifts dollar for dollar making your President’s Circle gift double in value.

For those who would like to join, giving is easy. You can mail your checks made payable to Faulkner University to 5345 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109. Or you can go to

“Hundreds of students are taught the Gospel message every day on this campus,” said Interim Vice President of Advancement Wayne Baker. “Many of those students are unchurched and are introduced to Jesus for the first time in their lives.  That’s when you know you are in the right business, we are in higher education for sure but we are in the Kingdom business for certain.”

Donors’ support of Faulkner University is a critical part of ensuring the continuation of educating young men and women who will be future leaders in their areas of influence.

“When things get tough, you are the friends who will help.”  President Mitch Henry told donors. “There is a spiritual awakening happening on campus. Last Spring semester 13 students that we know of were baptized, and this Spring semester there have been seven who were baptized in the first four weeks.”

Henry then shared his personal experience with one of these students.

President Henry addresses the crowd during the President's Circle Luncheon speaking on the spiritual awakening happening on campus.
President Henry addresses the crowd during the President’s Circle Luncheon.

“There was a football player from Birmingham who wanted to meet with me about some issues he had off campus. We talked through those issues, and I asked him how he was doing spiritually. This big guy got tearful,” Henry recounted. “He told me he needed a new beginning. He needed to be cleansed.  We prayed together, and I called Jeremy Smith in to study with him. After their study we went over to the University Church of Christ and that young man was baptized. Since then he’s been fired up and encouraging his classmates and teammates.”  Henry added, “There’s a lot of Bible studies happening on our campus, and none of this can happen without your support of this university. We care for people deeply. We care about educating the whole person in an academic sense and a spiritual sense.” 

Henry ended by expressing his gratitude for those who had given to Faulkner’s President’s Circle of Friends. “I appreciate you more than you’ll know, and I’m encouraged by you to push forward.  Faulkner’s brightest days are ahead.”