When it comes time for the semester to begin, many students who are hesitant to shell out the up-front cost of a textbook are left frantically scrambling to purchase the books they need at the last minute. Fortunately, there are…
Category: News (page 58)
Benefit Your Family by Completing Your College Degree
The sense of accomplishment, pride and relief after earning a college degree is something that future graduates strive for and past graduates can attest to. When you receive your diploma from Faulkner, you are giving yourself the gift of increased…
Faulkner University to open Faulkner University Pre-K this fall
Faulkner University is excited to announce the opening of the Faulkner University Pre-K this fall. Following the announcement by the Alabama Governor’s office on Monday, Faulkner University will be the site for two of Alabama’s First Class Pre-K program classrooms in…
Faulkner intern to Cintas manager, Gore honored for success
When Sheena Ariel Riley Gore first came to Faulkner University as a student, it was because she wanted a place that respected her Christian faith. It would also propel her on a successful career path within the expansive Cintas enterprise.…
Dream to be an Eagle soars Isbell to grand heights
Jason Isbell’s story began when he was a 6th grade student on a visit to Faulkner’s Montgomery campus. He knew then, he would become a Faulkner Eagle. Now, he is the current vice president of Legal and Governmental Affairs at…
3 Tips for Making Your Group Project a Success
Every single student is different. It might seem like a simple concept, but it’s a truth that can prove especially important when it comes time to engage in group projects in college. While the opportunity to work with others can…
How To Balance Work, Family and Study
Finding a work-life balance is the gold standard we all strive for. Things can get more complicated when you add the pursuit of a college education to a schedule that includes work and family life. Finding balance, including time for…
Faulkner University to join National Walk @ Lunch Day
Faulkner University will be joining forces with HEAL Alabama to promote healthy living at this year’s National Walk @ Lunch Day on Friday at the Capitol. The National Walk @ Lunch Day is sponsored and facilitated by Blue Cross and…
Here’s Why Sleep Is Key for a Successful University Experience
Whether you’re struggling to pull your eyes away from your favorite TV series or simply staying up until the wee hours of the morning studying for your next comprehensive exam, there’s a good chance that you’re shortchanging yourself by sacrificing…
Alumnus Gifford, finds friends, mentors at Faulkner
Andrew “Gif” Gifford never realized how Faulkner University would change his life when he decided to pursue his undergraduate there. He spent four years pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical languages, graduated in 2014 and obtained his Master’s degree in…