Faulkner President-elect Mitch Henry announces Candace Owens as this year's Benefit Dinner speaker. The dinner will be held on Oct. 6. l-r Faulkner Police Sgt. Booth James, BCJ Director Andre Mitchell, Faulkner Police Chief David Fowler, Henry, and Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Department Chair Cathy Davis.

Candace Owens Announced As The 2022 Benefit Dinner Speaker

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Faulkner University’s President-Elect Mitch Henry announced Candace Owens as the 2022 Benefit Dinner Speaker. The announcement was made on March 15, 2022 on the Montgomery campus. Faulkner University’s annual benefit dinner is a longstanding tradition and a…
President Mike Williams passes a gold-colored baton to President-elect Mitch Henry following the announcement of Henry's selection as Faulkner's 9th president.

Faulkner University Announces New President

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Faulkner University is pleased to announce Dennis Mitchell Henry, J.D. as the University’s newest president. Faulkner’s Board of Trustees Chair Dale Kirkland, Chancellor Billy Hilyer and President Mike Williams made the announcement on the Montgomery campus on March 9, 2022. Henry…
Badge of University HQ for Best Psychology degree.

Online B.S. in Clinical Psychology gains national recognition

In a recent survey from University HQ, Faulkner University’s online Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology ranked ninth nationally. Psychology is the scientific discipline that studies the mind, emotions, and behavior, and clinical psychology is a growing field, offering a…