
Reasons To Pursue A PhD in Humanities Online

Reasons To Pursue A PhD in Humanities Online

Whether you recently graduated with a Master’s degree or have been working in the field professionally for a while, you can further your education by enrolling in Faulkner University’s online Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities program. A number of factors set this program apart from the rest; namely, the fact that it’s 100% available online and integrates Christian thought into the curriculum, allowing you to expand both academically and spiritually at your own pace.

Flexible Scheduling

Going back to school is a difficult feat for anyone to accomplish, especially for working professionals. It’s nearly impossible to fuse a full work week and a complete course load together, and Faulkner understands these challenges. Thanks to our online PhD program, you can pursue your education without compromising your existing career or obligations.

With online classes, not only do you get to set your own schedule, but you also have the freedom to log-on from anywhere in the world. You can take sessions from the comfort of your own home without having to leave your family or job behind, which is an attractive option for most individuals looking to get their PhD in Humanities.

Stimulating Academics

From the very first course – Introduction to Humane Letters and Learning – to your final dissertation, you’ll be part of an engaging, thought-provoking environment. You can express your passion for diversity, challenging topics and an ever-changing worldly perspective, as can the rest of your classmates. You also push each other to excel as you move from the core courses to the seminars and, finally, to the two dissertation classes, where individuals are free to work on projects suited to their specific interests.

Christian Interpretation

Unique to Faulkner University, students can study the Humanities through a Christian lens thanks to the curriculum’s root in the Great Tradition of the Western World. The professors are highly qualified, both in the Humanities and in religious interpretation, providing you with an all-around rich experience that you’ll be able to apply to your work and to your own personal school of thought. If you received your Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree from Faulkner, then this program will be a familiar continuation of your favorite topics. But if this is your first time attending the university, you’re in store for a refreshing and invigorating few years.

Apply To Faulkner University Now

Don’t wait any longer – your PhD in Humanities from Faulkner University is just an application away. Send in yours, along with the rest of the admissions requirements, or contact the department to have all your questions answered today.