The Harris College of Business regularly addresses ethics in business by combining biblical principles with contemporary research and invites speakers to address these issues. This academic year, Faulkner invited Board of Trustees Vice Chair Mike Eubanks to speak to more than 100 business students as part of the Harris College of Business Ethics Institute.
Every fall and spring semester, the Ethics Institute introduces students to successful leaders from industry who exemplify ethical behavior. Our hope is that students will learn from the successes and challenges faced by these real-world business practitioners. Past speakers include Dr. Rick Lytle of the CEO Forum (Fall 2021) and the recently appointed President of Faulkner University, Mitch Henry (Spring 2022).
In addition to our speakers, students encounter business ethics education throughout the curriculum. Whether it be in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, or Information Systems, each of our courses presents an opportunity to introduce students to discipline-specific examples of ethics in the form of lectures, videos, or case analyses.
This year, Eubanks spoke on the decision he has faced over his lifetime as an entrepreneur and the ethical stance he took when facing those obstacles. Eubanks currently serves as Vice President of Gulf Hauling & Construction Inc. in Mobile, Alabama.
“Don’t cross the line of getting paid for work you don’t do. It’s an opportunity for quick money that is not right and I see it every day,” Eubanks said. “Contractors come and go by doing this. They get big quick for making bad decisions, evade taxes and end up getting audited by the IRS. There are a million ways to go down the bad road in business. Don’t go down that road. Make ethical decisions.”
Eubanks followed his dad into the homebuilding business. They moved to Mobile, Alabama and he worked three jobs to help pay off the family debt. He married and began working for his father-in-law’s construction company, Gulf Construction Company in 1987.
He built three Junior food store gas stations, invested his money from those to build more and began to grow wealth and his company.
“Things that happened in my life taught me valuable lessons. They humbled me and I realized God had a bigger plan for me,” Eubanks said. “Don’t limit yourself. There are no limits to what you are capable of with God. Give back and it will come back to you. You cannot out-give God. Trust in Him.”