If you are looking to advance your career, earning your Executive MBA can be a great step. Faulkner University is a Christian institution based in Alabama. Our Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Program can put you on the fast track to career advancement.
In Alabama and online, Faulkner University offers many opportunities for students to earn their graduate degrees. Through flexible class scheduling and opportunities for financial aid and scholarships, we ensure each student is equipped for success. Here, we discuss the benefits of earning your EMBA.
Professional Growth
While earning your Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree can be a great step in the right direction, receiving an EMBA can give you more specialized knowledge of executive applications. To enroll in certain EMBA programs, students must have already earned an associate or bachelor’s degree. They must also have some experience in business or related fields. This means getting your EMBA can advance you in your career, allowing you to obtain professional growth. Students can also access opportunities for promotions.
Receiving your EMBA can also put you ahead of other potential candidates applying for the same job. This is because your resume displays that you have extensive, professional knowledge of executive functions. In turn, it shows employers that you are trustworthy and fully capable of completing the job.
Additionally, completing your EMBA can take less time and fewer resources than an MBA degree. Some EMBA programs can come with a lighter course load and flexible scheduling through online components. At Faulkner University, most of our graduate programs can be finished in less than one year. This makes it easier for students to complete their advanced education while taking care of additional obligations, like work or family.
Networking Opportunities
As students complete their program, they have many opportunities to network with professionals in the industry. They can also make connections with alumni, professors, and others who can deliver insight into the job market. These professionals come from a range of business areas, including:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Sales
- Marketing
- Information technology
Because an EMBA degree is so versatile, students can choose to work in a variety of fields following graduation. This can provide more professional mobility, as students can take the time to browse their options before settling on a lifelong career. It can also land students jobs where they can receive tuition reimbursement. Exploring your prospects – and the benefits that come with them – can allow you to take charge of your future and find a job you are truly passionate about.
Learn Essential Skills in the Workforce
Those who earn their EMBA can be more appealing to potential employers. This is because it lets employers know that you have extensive knowledge of the industry. Throughout their EMBA program, students learn essential skills, including:
- Marketing strategies
- Corporate management procedures
- Quantitative reasoning
- Leadership
- Entrepreneurial methods
- Decision-making
- Strategy
- Collaborating with others
At our accredited institution, we ensure students can apply their knowledge in a real, professional setting. Not only does this allow them to be successful after graduation, but it also gives them the chance to become familiar with the material and fully understand it. With convenience and affordability in mind, we offer plenty of opportunities for financial aid. This allows students to earn the experience they need conveniently and cost-effectively.
Earn Your Executive MBA at Faulkner University
With an emphasis on prestigious, quality education, Faulkner University offers over 27 online degree programs. We have several campuses across Alabama: Montgomery, Birmingham, Huntsville, and Mobile. To learn more about our accelerated executive MBA program, you can request more information or apply today.