
Faulkner’s Humanities degree garners national acclaim

Faulkner’s Humanities degree garners national acclaim

Faulkner University’s Bachelor of Arts in Humanities placed fifth in Best Accredited Colleges’ 2021 ranking of best humanities bachelor degrees. 

According to Best Accredited Colleges, “As one of four liberal arts disciplines, a bachelor’s degree in humanities provides an interdisciplinary study of the human world through topics in literature, history, language and linguistics, art, philosophy, and religion. Students pursuing an undergraduate humanities degree have the potential to gain marketable and transferable skills for wide-ranging careers such as writers, editors, human resources specialists, communication specialists, filmmakers, painters, teachers, and interpreters.”

Humanities is an ideal degree for students who are creative, intellectual and curious about the world around them, as classes connect humans’ development with that of civilization as a whole in areas such as music, rhetoric, literature and more. The field of study makes use of extensive research, written and verbal communication, critical thinking and problem solving. In accordance with Faulkner’s founding principles, the advancement of civilization is taught through a Christian perspective. 

Because of the ways in which several disciplines become intertwined in this field, students are able to make connections between people and ideas more easily. The goal of the department is for students to have tools so they are trained to know themselves, going beyond simply teaching the necessary skills for a career. In this way, their careers reflect their own personalities and interests. From a Biblical standpoint, the ultimate end of humans is to glorify God in living out His purpose for us, so our knowledge of ourselves involves who we are in relation to God. This is what Faulkner intends for its humanities students to gain through their studies. 

Best Accredited Colleges creates its guides and rankings with students’ needs in mind. With hundreds of universities in consideration, Faulkner and the others on the list were ranked based on factors such as quality of education, financial aid awards, campus resources, student-faculty ratio, tuition cost, transfer credit programs, retention rate, admittance rates and graduation rates. 

For more information on Faulkner’s humanities program, see