
Faulkner Bible Lectureship Will Focus on “Grace,” October 2024

Faulkner Bible Lectureship Will Focus on “Grace,” October 2024

October 2023 saw the overwhelmingly positive return of the Faulkner Bible Lectureship for its 79th year and registration is now open for the 2024 Faulkner Bible Lectureship.

Just like last year, the Faulkner Bible Lectureship will coincide with Homecoming and the two events will shape a spiritual as well as a physical reconnection for alumni and friends as they return to campus.

Mike Gurganus, Faulkner University Board of Trustees member was extremely pleased with how the 2023 Faulkner Bible Lectureship turned out. 

“I’m excited this week, because this is Homecoming week at Faulkner, but I’ve already had my homecoming because I’ve had the chance to see so many brothers and sisters in Christ and so many alumni of the school, so this has just been a wonderful time for me to be here,” he said. “The speakers from 8 in the morning to 8 at night have all been charged and excited.”

The theme for the 2024 Faulkner Bible Lectureship is, “Grace,” and the dates are October 20—24. Speakers from across the United States will converge on the Faulkner campus to develop this timeless and needed biblical subject. The keynote speakers are: David W. Hester—Director, Faulkner Bible Lectureship; Faulkner University President Mitch Henry; Jovan Payes—Gospel preacher in Bakersfield, CA; John DeBerry—Senior Advisor to the Governor of Tennessee; and Melvin Otey—Professor, Jones School of Law. 

On that Monday morning, a new addition to the Lectureship schedule will be the Kenneth Randolph Seminar for Preaching. It will take place, beginning at 8:30 and continuing until noon. Hester will present material on the subject of grace from great preachers of the past that will be helpful to Gospel preachers. Kenneth Randolph was an outstanding preacher and educator and the seminar is a way to honor his memory.

The Friends of the Restoration (F.O.R.) lectures will take place on Monday afternoon of the Lectureship. There will be a Monday evening banquet in connection with the F.O.R. lectures and again on Tuesday evening.

Beginning this year, the ladies classes will be expanded. There will be five sessions, with the following speakers: Rebecca Horn, Brenda Turner, Christa Bryant, Cindy Henry, and Jania Otey. All Ladies sessions will be held in Lester Chapel.   

For a complete look at this year’s speakers, visit

The second annual Jack Zorn Invitational will take place in connection with the Lectureship. Lads 2 Leaders winners from across the country will compete for a full tuition scholarship to Faulkner. The young men who participate will also lead singing and prayers in the Sunday morning and evening keynote sessions, as well as present a short devotional prior to the keynote speeches in both sessions.

Last year, nearly 30 young men and women and their families traveled from 13 different states to partake in the inaugural Lads2Leaders/Leaderettes Invitational that took place on the final day of the Faulkner Bible Lectureship. The Lads 2 Leaders Invitational invited the top boys’ & girls’ speech winners from various locations to speak. They were judged by L2L judges provided from local L2L congregations. 

The Faulkner Chorus will sing twice in Lester Chapel during the 2024 Lectureship—Sunday evening at 5p.m., and Wednesday evening at 5p.m.

Last year, hundreds of visitors came to campus to take part in the daily speaker sessions and chapel events and more than 1,400 people were in attendance for one of the highlights of the week, a high-profile debate between Kyle Butt with Apologetics Press who affirmed the God of the Bible’s existence and nationally recognized Dr. Michael Shermer of the Skeptics Society and founding publisher of Skeptic magazine who denied. Once again, there will be a formal debate at Tine-Davis Gymnasium on that Wednesday on the topic, “Resolved: Gambling is Morally Acceptable.” David W. Hester will deny, and Bill J. Pascrell III—a lobbyist with the Princeton Public Affairs Group—will affirm. The debate will be live streamed and recorded.

Make your plans NOW to be on campus at Faulkner University, October 20—24!