
Distinguished alumni says caring professors led him to a role in ministry

Distinguished alumni says caring professors led him to a role in ministry

 l-r Roberts and his wife Leigh and their two children, Adriana and Asher.
l-r Roberts and his wife Leigh and their two children, Adriana and Asher.

Daniel Roberts was named the Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Biblical Studies at the 2020 Marketplace Faith Friday Forums.

It is a distinction he does not take lightly. While he was asked to speak to current students about his experience at Faulkner and as a professional, he took time to reflect on his years as an undergraduate at his alma mater.

“It is no secret to those who know me best that I was not always a stellar student. I allowed too many other things absorb my attention to the detriment of my studies,” Roberts said. “However, because of those who were still willing to invest in me, I was able to find a proper balance. I was amply prepared for Ph.D. studies from the rigors of studying under Dr. Floyd Parker and Dr. Randall Bailey in my Master’s study, and from other teachers who helped steer my tenacious spirit as an undergraduate student.”

Roberts attended Faulkner as an undergraduate student between 2000-2004. After graduation, he married his wife of 16 years Leigh and preached for the Mott Church of Christ in Red Level, Alabama. He completed a Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies with a New Testament emphasis at Faulkner in the fall of 2007.

“My experience at Faulkner shaped my life in the best ways. My professors cared about my success, and more importantly, they cared about my personal development and maturity. This care was demonstrated on an even greater scale when I entered, and completed, my Master’s degree. I am a living parable of just how much someone can accomplish if they have others investing in their lives,” Roberts said. “I am the product of people who cared about me. I thank God for the people and institutions in my life that have helped me to serve the church better, to serve my family better, and to serve society better. “

Roberts later preached for the Central Church of Christ for seven years and taught for the Military Education Program at Faulkner. In recent years he has been working on his doctorate degree at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and preaching for the Cameron Avenue Church of Christ in Colonial Heights, Virginia. He will soon be defending his dissertation on the New Perspective on Paul and the Pastoral Epistles.

Daniel Roberts is the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year for the VP Black College of Biblical Studies for 2020.