
Career Options After Getting Your Online Psychology Degree

Career Options After Getting Your Online Psychology Degree

College student studying online at library

What can you do with an online psychology degree? You may be surprised to learn that the skills gained through an online psychology program are valuable in a wide variety of work settings. Faulkner University is a Christian liberal arts school based in Alabama. Here, we explore some of the career options available to psychology majors who earn their degrees online.

Career Paths in Psychology

While psychology studies may conjure the mental image of a kind counselor interviewing patients on a comfortable couch, this isn’t the case for all graduates. A psychology degree lays the groundwork for a variety of career opportunities beyond therapeutic practice. Faulkner University’s career services office can help you discover your best fit among options such as:

School Psychologist

If you have a passion for working with children, you might choose to become a school psychologist. This role provides support to kids who are dealing with educational or behavioral challenges. You’ll be responsible for investigating issues and implementing an intervention plan to help kids succeed in various areas of life, whether at home, at school, or among friends.

Rehabilitation Psychologist

Another subfield in psychology is rehabilitation. These professionals specialize in assisting stroke and accident victims and people with mental disabilities. They may also work with people who struggle with substance abuse. Their goal is to help clients overcome individual challenges, adapt, and live a fulfilling life while managing their symptoms or addictions.

Forensic Psychologist

Do you have an interest in law or solving crimes? Forensic psychologists specialize in studying and analyzing criminal behavior. They work with local and federal law enforcement to provide insights on cases, document findings, and improve justice outcomes. They may also be asked to testify in the courtroom, where an understanding of a defendant’s psychology is relevant.

Experimental Psychologist

Modern psychological knowledge is founded on careful study. Experimental psychologists work to expand this understanding. They work alongside researchers to learn more about human behavior, development, and mental health. They then evaluate their findings to look for ways practicing psychologists can better support their patients.

Psychology Professor

Perhaps your ambition instead is to pass down knowledge to others. As a psychology professor, you’ll work in higher-level education institutions to teach students the fundamentals of psychology. You’ll develop a curriculum, implement lesson plans, distribute assignments, and evaluate student performance to give each student tools for success.

Earning Your Online Psychology Degree

Careers in psychology are demanding and often rewarding. Getting your foot into the door, however, can often be difficult. Not all students have the freedom to study full-time on a college campus. They might also lack access to a high-quality degree program near them, and traveling to school isn’t appealing or practical for everyone.

To make education accessible, Faulkner University offers a variety of online degree programs, including a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. These programs offer the flexibility to schedule classes around other obligations, including family and the workplace. Their tuition is more affordable than learning on campus, and courses can be taken anywhere with an internet connection. No matter where you are, you can pursue an online psychology degree and the career opportunities it may offer.

Start Earning Your Psychology Degree

Do any of these exciting careers catch your interest? If so, you can start your career path with an online psychology degree from Faulkner University in Alabama. Our degree programs are available from anywhere in the nation and offer the flexibility to learn on your own schedule and at your own pace. Request info to learn more about our course offerings and admissions requirements, or apply today to start learning.