
Bachelor of Criminal Justice among top in 2021 ranking

Bachelor of Criminal Justice among top in 2021 ranking Top-Ranked School badge for top Criminal Justice degree ranking.

Faulkner University’s Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice was among the top degree plans in the country according to’s recent ranking. came out with a 2021 list for Best Bachelor of Criminal Justice Degrees with Faulkner ranked 26th out of 50 other universities.

To compile their ranking, considered hundreds of universities across the country and selected Faulkner University based on academic and career resources, the quality of education, and faculty. They looked at factors such as internship opportunities with law enforcement agencies, professional experience of faculty members, accreditation from criminal justice and law enforcement organizations, and the availability of concentrations and certification programs in specific criminal justice fields. 

Faulkner’s bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is for students who are ultimately seeking employment with criminal justice organizations, including law enforcement and correctional facilities. In addition to the regular undergraduate track for this degree, we offer an accelerated bachelor’s degree in criminal justice for adults who have completed significant college coursework prior to enrolling at Faulkner University. A significant advantage of our Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program is our one-year online hybrid program for completing the junior and senior level requirements.