If you are planning to earn a degree, you may wonder whether you should pursue an associate degree vs. a bachelor’s degree. The answer depends on each student’s situation. There are key differences between these two types of degree programs, and it’s best to understand them before enrolling at a college or university.
Faulkner University, based in Alabama, offers a variety of academic programs based on a Christian worldview. We offer this guidance for potential students considering degree programs. Learn more about the advantages of both associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees and how to determine which path is right for you.
Advantages of an Associate Degree Program
Most associate degree programs only require a high school diploma or GED to qualify for enrollment. Offered in a wide variety of both academic and technical subjects, associate degrees can be seen as a relatively quick path to employment. Compared with high school graduates in 2022, employees with associate degrees earned more in median weekly earnings and experienced lower unemployment levels.
Encompassing about 20 courses on average, associate degree programs cost less in tuition than more extensive bachelor’s degree programs. The time commitment is usually about two years of full-time study. Depending on their course load, part-time students may take longer to earn the degree. Another benefit of an associate degree is that it prepares students for enrollment in a bachelor’s degree program.
Advantages of a Bachelor’s Degree Program
The admissions requirements for bachelor’s degree programs vary by subject matter. Some disciplines require a specific GPA attained in high school. There may also be a preference for students who have completed an internship related to the field. Students must also meet any requirements designated by the institution, including an admissions interview. Bachelor’s degrees generally take at least four years to complete with full-time attendance.
While bachelor’s degree programs cost more in time and tuition than associate degree programs, these graduates generally earned more salary and experienced lower unemployment rates in 2022. In addition to this general advantage, some bachelor’s degree careers will see large job growth through 2032, as projected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Associate Degree vs. Bachelor’s Degree
By understanding the key differences between an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree, potential students can examine their own goals and interests to determine their best option. In today’s modern classrooms, students often have the choice to attend class in person, online, or in a hybrid arrangement, which combines both in-person and online learning. Digital technology allows students to partake in class discussions and interact with faculty without commuting to campus every day or week.
Attaining any college degree demonstrates initiative and determination. Associate degree programs require a minimum of liberal arts content, such as English, math skills, or social sciences. Within a bachelor’s degree program, students are offered a greater level of depth in both the basics of a liberal arts education, as well as their specific subject matter. Faulkner University offers both associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs, as well as graduate programs for students who want to pursue master’s degrees, doctorates, or law degrees.
Choose a Degree Program at Faulkner University
Take advantage of university degree programs at Faulkner University, with campuses in Montgomery, Birmingham, Mobile, and Huntsville, Alabama. If you choose to enroll in an associate degree program, it will serve you well in the workplace and prepare you for a future bachelor’s degree. The potential benefits are even greater for students who want to spend the time and resources required to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Let us assist you in deciding on an associate degree vs. a bachelor’s degree. Our admissions staff can help guide you further. To learn more, request information about our programs today.