
Essential Resources When Pursuing Your Online Bachelor’s Degree

Essential Resources When Pursuing Your Online Bachelor’s Degree

College student studying online

The internet offers exceptional flexibility when earning a degree. Without visiting a campus, however, online students may miss out on campus libraries, classmates, and other important resources. To succeed in online bachelor’s degree programs, students must learn to leverage the tools they can access from home. Faulkner University is a Christian liberal arts school based in Alabama. Here, we explore some of these tools and how online students can use them.

The Local Library

Further reading is a great way to expand upon the foundation provided by required textbooks. Though online students may not be able to visit their campus library, the local library likely holds books and articles related to your course topic. Research librarians can also provide guidance when locating materials for a research project or insight on a difficult topic. In addition, libraries often offer free Internet access, making them a great place to study if you can’t study at home.

Online Study Tools

Your library isn’t the only place to find learning resources. The internet offers all kinds of study tools and apps, from resource databases to quiz makers and digital note cards. Many of these are accessible from your mobile phone for convenient on-the-go studying. Though some online tools are subscription-based, many are free to use. Your school may also include certain subscription fees in your tuition.

Scheduling Tools

With daily assignments, projects, and test dates to keep track of, time management skills are essential. Scheduling tools can make it significantly easier to plan your studies wisely. Physical calendars, planners, datebooks, and scheduling apps are invaluable for tracking due dates and making sure no assignments are missed or forgotten. Many of these can also travel with you, making it easy to continue studying while away from your computer.

Cloud Technology

Every online college student dreads the computer crash or power loss that eliminates hours of work. Frequent saves and backups, as well as the right technology, can save you from disaster and late-night rewrites. For instance, cloud programs like Apple’s iCloud and Google Drive allow online students to back up files online. As a bonus, files in the cloud can be accessed anywhere and from any device – no flash drive is required. They can also be shared with project partners for easy collaboration.

Other Classmates

Speaking of project partners – other classmates are among the most valuable resources for college-level study. They offer discussion, fresh perspectives, editing assistance, accountability, and more. Though studying online creates extra challenges in making connections, reaching out is more than worth it. Not only will you gain an invaluable study partner, but you may also have fun and build a rewarding relationship that lasts beyond the end of the course.

Your Own Notes

Though most internet courses work through online submissions, traditional school supplies should not be undervalued. Paper notebooks are useful for note-taking and organizing your thoughts before tackling a homework assignment. Also stock up on a variety of writing utensils and sticky notes, which can help you mark your place or color-code notes for easier skimming. These notes will remain accessible even when offline, so you can keep studying even if you lose your connection.

Earn Your Online Bachelor’s Degree

If you’re ready to start earning your online bachelor’s degree, now is the time to get started. Faulkner University provides online courses and degree programs for students across the country. As a Christian liberal arts school, we are committed to delivering a high-quality and Christ-centered education. Contact us to request info about our offerings, or apply now to start learning.