For questions call our office at 1-800-879-9816 x 7184
Campus housing is available for full-time, traditional, single students.
All residential students are required to submit a copy of their immunization records and the health form, which includes a drug policy form.
You may fill the forms out, print the Web page and either mail or fax to :
Faulkner University
Housing Office
5345 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL, 36109
FAX: 334-386-7180, or
email: housingoffice@faulkner.edu
Links to Health forms for Future Residents
- Health Center Website
- Health Form (includes required immunization information)
If your parents home owner’s insurance does not cover your personal property while living in on-campus housing, www.nssi.com has information about for affordable student rates. Faulkner is not responsible for personal property losses.
Housing Accommodation Guidelines
Some students may need special housing accommodations for their disability. In order to ensure that each student’s request is considered in a consistent and appropriate manner, students should comply with the following process.
Students must send a completed Request for Disability Accommodation in University Housing form to the disability services coordinator. Students must provide appropriate documentation (as indicated on the request form) to the disability services coordinator. Students should meet with the disability services coordinator to discuss requests and authorize the release of information to the appropriate university housing personnel. After the above procedures are completed and the request approved, disability services personnel will notify university housing personnel of the approved request. Housing assignments are based on the severity of the condition, the timing of the request, the feasibility of any necessary modifications and the availability of appropriate space.
Send all documentation to:
Project Key
Faulkner University
5345 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109
Phone: 334-386-7185
Fax: 334-386-7124
Postal Services
Faulkner University provides on-campus residents with a mailbox for sending and receiving mail via the United States Postal Service. The mailbox is assigned at registration and the student is responsible for checking the mailbox regularly. Residents of Margaret Harris residence hall will be assigned a mailbox and key in their residence hall. All other on-campus residents will be assigned a mailbox in the Student Commons adjacent to the University Mailroom.
The University Mailroom also provides fee-based postal services, including stamps, special delivery options, UPS services, and FedEx services.
Mail to residential students should be addressed as follows:
Student Name
Faulkner University
5345 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109
Housing Staff
Each hall room is set up to house two students. Each student is provided a twin extra-long bed (except in Harris Hall where the beds are regular twin size), closet or wardrobe, small dresser, and desk area.
Davis Hall is a suite setup with two bedrooms sharing one bathroom. All other hall rooms are designed for two students with a private bath in each room.
All utilities are provided, including wireless access.
Bedding, toiletries, school supplies, rugs (for room and bathroom), shower curtain, trash cans, outlet strips, cleaning supplies, linens (sheets/towels) and toilet paper.
You might want to coordinate with your roommate for items such as television, microwave, mini-refrigerator, etc. before purchasing any larger items.
All utilities are provided, including wireless access.
You may decorate your room, but no paint, wallpaper, border, etc. may be changed or added. Also, you may not use nails or tape when decorating, but you may use push pins and/or thumbtacks.
Within just a short distance from campus, there are several stores, shopping centers and malls. The stores available include general merchandise, grocery, pharmacy, discount, outlet, and specialty stores. Examples of the stores are Target, Walmart, Publix, Big Lots, Dollar General, Fred’s, Home Depot, Lowes, Best Buy, Belk, JC Penny and Sears. Most of the items you will need for your room are easily purchased after your arrival.
The Resident Directors, Director of Residence Life, Campus Safety and Police Department, and the Student Life Offices are good sources for information regarding residential students. Faulkner Offices and Personnel may be reached by dialing 334-386 and then the four digit extension.
The Faulkner Mobile app (free to download) has a directory and a shield icon on the welcome screen that once clicked can call the Faulkner Police immediately. The Faulkner Mobile app can be downloaded by parents/guests through using the guest login. To down load go to faulkner.campusapp.com.
Faulkner University
Main Campus Numbers
334-272-5820 or 1-800-879-9816
Director of Residence Life
Keri Alford
Campus Safety and Police Department
Officer on Duty
Men’s New Hall (freshmen males)
Ben Cardiff
Davis Hall (A and B)
Ben Cardiff
Margaret Harris Hall (freshmen females)
Peggy Oliver
Baldwin Hall (upperclassmen males)
& Burton Hall (upperclassmen females)
Sarah Olguin
Student Life Office Manager
Sydney Stewart
The apartments are for students who are 20-25 years old or seniors.
Additionally, the Harrison apartments have been designated as “Privilege Housing.” and Faulkner has established special qualifications for the apartments. The qualifications listed below are used to guide the Director of Residence Life in assigning apartment rooms to qualified students:
● Record of past disciplinary issues will weigh most heavily in the decision process.
● Must be 20 years of age by July 31st AND have 40 credit hours prior to fall semester or have earned enough academic credits to be classified as a senior (90 hours or more) is also important.
● Preference will be given to unmarried undergraduate students.
● Must be enrolled full-time at the Montgomery campus
● Must have a minimum Faulkner cumulative GPA of 2.3 (Transfer students use their transfer GPA).
● Must have no current holds or disciplinary actions for academics, billing or conduct.
● Must not have excessive chapel absences.
Prospective or current students may contact the Residence Life Office at 1-800-879-9816 extension 7179 or at housingoffice@faulkner.edu.
Each apartment has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. A closet (approximately 4 ft.), a desk, dresser, and twin XL bed are supplied in every bedroom. Both bathrooms have a double vanity area, with storage underneath, and either a tub or shower and toilet area. Two bedrooms and a bathroom are located on each side of the living area. The common areas include a living room and kitchen. The living area is equipped with a couch and two chairs or two love-seats, side table, coffee table and a shelf area suitable for TV and book storage. The kitchen has an island or dining set that seats four or six, an electric range, refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher. The laundry room is located off the kitchen or in the laundry rooms with standard size washer and dryer provided. Kitchen items are not provided and must be supplied by the residents.
For any questions regarding this topic, you may contact the Director of Residence Life, Keri Alford, at , housingoffice@faulkner.edu, or 334-386-7179.