Now Offering: Online Leveling Courses
Beginning Fall 2023, seven courses in SLP will be offered for those students who would like to pursue a MA/MS SLP degree. Course offerings are completely online and asynchronous. The courses will include:
- SLP 2310 Language Development
- SLP 3310 Phonetics
- SLP 3320/3120 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing (with lab)
- SLP 3370 Introduction to Audiology
- SLP 4310 Language Disorders Across the Lifespan
- SLP 4320 Speech Sound Development and Disorders
- SLP 4340 Speech and Hearing Science
Students may also elect to take their biological science, physics or chemistry, and social/behavioral science online as well. Courses will only be offered in the same semester as the on-ground cohort in a locked step fashion, which begins each Fall semester and continues through the Spring semester. These courses are offered in an 8-week format and will follow the following schedule:
Fall 2023
Module Courses Taught Term Dates
Module 1 SLP 3310 Phonetics 8/21/23-10/15/23
SLP 4340 Speech and Hearing Science
Module 2 SLP 2310 Language Development 10/16/23-12/10/23
SLP 3320/3120 Anatomy and Physiology
of Speech and Hearing
Spring 2024
Module Courses Taught Term Dates
Module 1 SLP 3370 Introduction to Audiology 1/8/24-3/3/24
SLP 4320 Speech Sound Disorders
Module 2 SLP 4310 Language Disorders 3/14/24-4/28/24
Important Information:
- Each 8-week Module starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Online courses end on Sunday.
- Students may drop a class with 100% tuition refund through the Sunday following the start of the term.
- Students may drop a class with 50% tuition refund through the second Sunday following the start of the term.
- Tuesday of the 5th week in each term is the last day to drop a class with a grade of “W”.
- Final exams will be held during the last scheduled class in each Module. This date varies for different courses.
- Thanksgiving Break – All offices will be closed November 20–24.
- Christmas Break – No classes will be held December 11, 2022 through January 7, 2023.
- University offices closed December 21 – January 3.