Interdisciplinary Studies allow the student to learn by making connections between ideas and concepts across the curriculum to create majors that do not fit within the bounds of traditional college disciplines. An IDS degree allows students to build their own interdisiciplinary pathway that makes sense to them.
At Faulkner, students begin by choosing two or three disciplines based on their personal and professional goals.
Upon completion, students will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge of multiple disciplines for use in problem solving, creative expression, critical thinking, task completion, and other essential tasks within the professional setting.
- Demonstrate an ability to apply advanced critical thinking skills across multiple disciplines by employing such methods as research, investigation, classification, differentiation, experimentation, etc. to any given situation.
- Connect knowledge gained from the student of multiple disciplines in order to understand, appreciate, and relate to various cultures, beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives other than the student’s own.
- Select appropriate methods of communication (written, verbal, visual) to social, professional, cultural, and other contexts in order to interact appropriately with others.
Degree Plan
B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies Courses
Alpha Iota Sigma Honor Society
Faulkner University boasts a chapter of Alpha Iota Sigma, the national honor society for Interdisciplinary Studies. Members must hold a 3.3 GPA or higher. Membership is by invitation only. A representative from the students is sent annually to the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference and to the annual meeting of the Executive Council, which is held during the conference.
Faulkner’s Alpha Iota Sigma chapter is led by Dr. Cindy Walker (faculty advisor) and student leaders elected annually.
Dr. Taten Shirley
Director and Associate Professor.