Jim Womack

Jim serves as the Collection Services Librarian in Gus Nichols Library on the main campus of Faulkner University.  Jim has been on the staff of Gus Nichols Library since August 1999. Jim earned a BAS degree from Southern Arkansas University back 1989.  Jim completed his M.L.S. at the University of Southern Mississippi in 1992. 

Jim’s primary responsibility is working with the print collection in the library.  In addition, he works evenings and weekends according to the library work schedule. He assist students with reference queries in their search for library resources.  Jim is an active member of the University Church of Christ in Montgomery, AL and is involved in the prison ministry too.

Jim feels very fortunate to be on the staff of Gus Nichols Library; because, he claims that he works with the nicest people in this world. We all enjoy our work and are blessed to work in a Christian environment.