Andy Olree

Andy G. Olree joined the faculty of Faulkner Law in 2005.  He received the J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, where he was a staff member on the University of Chicago Legal Forum.

Professor Olree’s research interests include the First Amendment’s religion clauses, freedom of speech, U.S. legal history, and Christian legal theology.  His articles have appeared in several leading journals, including Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Northwestern University Law ReviewWilliam & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, and Connecticut Law Review.  His works have been cited by several courts and regularly appear in briefs filed with the U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts.  He is also the author of The Choice Principle: The Biblical Case for Legal Toleration, a monograph published in 2006.

Professor Olree teaches two required Constitutional Law courses, as well as various electives on civil liberties.


B.B.A., Harding University

J.D., University of Chicago Law School

Representative Publications

Articles and Essays

  • Of Foxes and Hen Houses: Legislated Rights and American Founding Era Thought About Legislative Authority to Define the Scope of Fundamental Rights, 10 Faulkner L. Rev. 51 (2018).
  • A Madisonian Vision of Religious Liberty, 7 Faulkner L. Rev. 19 (2015).
  • “Pride Ignorance and Knavery”: James Madison’s Formative Experiences with Religious Establishments, 36 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 211 (2013).
  • Identifying Government Speech, 42 Conn. L. Rev. 365 (2009).
  • The Continuing Threshold Test for Free Exercise Claims, 17 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 103 (2008).
  • James Madison and Legislative Chaplains, 102 Nw. U. L. Rev. 145 (2008).
  • Specialty License Plates: Look Who’s Talking in the Sixth Circuit, 68 Ala. Lawyer 213 (2007).
  • Government as God’s Agent: A Reconsideration of Romans 12 and 13, 8 Stone-Campbell J. 181 (2005).


  • The Choice Principle: The Biblical Case for Legal Toleration (Lanham, Md.: Univ. Press of America, 2006).

Book Reviews

  • 13 Stone-Campbell J. 132 (2010) (reviewing Flowers, Rogers, & Green, Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court (2008)).
  • 10 Stone-Campbell J. 269 (2007) (reviewing John Witte, Jr., God’s JoustGod’s Justice: Law and Religion in the Western Tradition (2006)).