Covid-19 Update

Institutional Funds Reports:

CARES Act Funds Report CRRSAA Funds Report ARP Funds Report

July 21, 2020

After careful prayer and reflection, the Administration of Faulkner University announces its plan to reopen the campus for on-ground instruction for the fall semester. Guided by our historic Christian mission, we value each member of our University community as an individual made in the image of God. Therefore, our chief aim is for students to flourish in every aspect of the collegiate experience. We put an absolute premium on their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

In response to the pandemic, the University has formed a Health & Transition Task Force to create policy, protocols, and a culture to promote healthy lifestyles. Our guiding force is a community covenant to be respectful of the health of our friends and mentors. Ultimately, our success is dependent on each individual’s taking personal responsibility for their choices.

The Task Force is following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH).The plan will utilize mitigation efforts such as physical distancing, enhanced sanitation of facilities, and face coverings when necessary. We are developing a balanced approach where we deploy best practices while allowing as much individual freedom as possible.

Full attention is being given to the major facets of university life.

Academic Instruction

To provide a safe learning environment, the academic leadership at Faulkner has made several modifications.

  • The academic calendar for traditional classes only has been modified for the fall semester. We will begin classes on August 17, 2020 as previously announced. However, those classes and exams will conclude by November 24, 2020. (All other classes—Faulkner Online, Executive & Professional Programs, Jones School of Law, Extension Centers, EWP, etc.—will run as originally published.) Spring semester will resume as planned on January 11, 2021.
  • Careful attention is being made to class size and room capacity. We have scheduled course sections in classrooms capable of handling the class size and practicable social distancing.
  • Larger class sections, if necessary, will be offered in a hybrid-flex model where the class is a combination of on-ground instruction and virtual learning.
  • Face coverings will be required in all academic buildings and administrative offices.
  • The University has implemented a new software system to capture every classroom lecture. This new application will enhance the learning environment and provide significantly greater capacity for students learning remotely. This will also help students who are not able to attend various class meetings.
  • The University has enhanced all sanitation protocols to provide a safe learning environment.

Campus Life

The University wants to provide students with a rich experience inside and outside the classroom. Certainly, the pandemic provides some unique challenges. However, we remain committed to offering a robust collegiate experience where we protect the health and well-being of the University community. To provide a safe and healthy collegiate experience, the Student Life leadership has made the following modifications:

  • Students living in campus housing will be scheduled to arrive in staggered times to create ease for distancing.
  • Student housing will have dedicated space for students who need to be quarantined for a specific period if needed.
  • Campus dining will reduce capacity of the dining hall to provide appropriate distancing. Meal plans will continue to offer unlimited dining. While those eating in the cafeteria are welcome to come back through the buffet line for additional servings, the food stations will no longer be self-serve. To go options will be available at each meal.
  • Larger campus events are the most challenging decisions for the fall semester. Each event will have distinct measures to mitigate unsafe environments. These measures include face coverings and social distancing.
  • We are blessed to have a talented and passionate set of student leaders. They will be working with the Student Life team to find creative opportunities to build a rich campus life in light of the challenges presented by COVID-19.

Testing & Wellness Checks

Given the contagious nature of COVID-19, we as a campus community are taking steps to guard the well-being of every member of the community. Therefore, we are deploying a number of disciplines to help us create a healthy environment:

  • The State of Alabama is providing free COVID-19 testing to all University students attending a public or private institution in the state. We will be getting guidance from the Alabama Department of Public Health and UAB concerning the process by which you can be tested prior to your arrival on campus. (Note: All student athletes are required by the NAIA to be tested).
  • We will also be conducting temperature checks at campus events and randomly in the residence halls.
  • We strongly encourage self-monitoring of the potential symptoms of COVID-19. Self-monitoring documentation may be needed for entrance to some campus events.

Personal Responsibility

The success of our efforts is highly contingent on the individual commitment and effort of each person. Given the values of our student body, I feel confident that we are going to make every effort to be sensitive to the needs of others. This is a student body who is motivated by love, mercy, and justice. I am grateful to be a part of this family. To contribute to personal wellness and the health of my fellow Eagles, and until improved circumstances will allow for more normal patterns of life, we are committing to these personal disciplines.

  • Wear a face covering in all academic/administrative buildings and whenever 6 ft. social distancing cannot be accomplished.
  • Wash your hands often daily.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Assess yourself daily for COVID-19 related symptoms.

Deep within Faulkner’s DNA is a commitment to relationships. We take care of one another. Therefore, we launch this semester not looking to develop a “new normal”. We begin this semester, like every semester since our founding, with an appreciation for the fact “that we are all God’s children”. Therefore, as members of One family, we care for and protect one another. In a world gone crazy, we seek to be counter-cultural.

We certainly begin the fall semester in a unique moment in history. But I firmly believe we will face the days ahead with faith, peace, and conviction. I appreciate the opportunity to walk beside you during these unprecedented times. Thankfully, we face them together.

Go Eagles! Never Fail!

Michael D. Williams, Ed.D
Faulkner University

CARES Act Funds Report - Institutional Funds

CRRSAA Funds Report - Institutional Funds

- Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants

- Institutional Funds

ARP Funds Report

- Institutional Funds

- Emergency Financial Aid Grants

Latest ARP Funds Report - Emergency Financial Aid Grants (Download PDF) - quarterly report for October 10, 2021

Latest ARP Funds Report - Emergency Financial Aid Grants (Download PDF) - quarterly report for January 10, 2022

Latest ARP Funds Report - Emergency Financial Aid Grants (Download PDF) - quarterly report for March 31, 2022


CARES Act Report - Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants

As of May 22, 2020

Updated July 6, 2020

Updated August 20,2020

Updated March 31, 2021

Final Update - October 2, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress recently passed the CARES Act, and it was subsequently signed by the President of the United States. Colleges and universities which received emergency grant funds from this legislation are required to report certain information periodically. View Faulkner's report here.

COVID-19 Report

Faulkner University is regularly monitoring the outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. This includes staying up to date on the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and will implement necessary measures as directed to keep our community safe. The University has created a Care and Response Team who are meeting regularly to evaluate the current global situation and make decisions to safeguard the health of our community and our students and employees locally and abroad. In addition to heeding guidance from the CDC, Faulkner University is also consulting directives from the Alabama Department of Public Health and the American College Health Association. We will post additional information on this web page as it becomes available.

You are encouraged to use this website as the University's official information source regarding this matter, and to be cautiously aware of current cyber scams around the topic of the COVID-19.

Our University leadership is continually evaluating all aspects of the impact of the virus worldwide, and potentially on any of our four campuses and other partnership sites.

Avoid close contact

We encourage CDC recommended everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
    • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
    • Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Seek medical advice if you:

Develop symptoms


Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or live in or have recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.

University Notifications

Updated Wednesday June 17, 10:34 a.m.

With great anticipation, we look forward to the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year.  In spite of our fascination with mobile technology, the COVID19 pandemic has reminded us of our core humanity.  We are image-bearers of God who crave relationship, touch, and intimacy—all things muted in our current context.  Therefore, we eagerly await returning to on ground instruction this fall if at all possible.

Given the complexity of the reopening of campus, I have formed a Health & Transition Task Force.  This talented group of professionals will work collaboratively to help us create policy, protocol, and strategies to safely welcome students to the campus.  Obviously, we will rely heavily on the guidance provided by the Alabama Department of Public Health and other health organizations.

Here is a list of the members of the Health & Transition Task Force:

  • Mike Williams – President (Chair)
  • Jean-Noel Thompson – Vice President Student Services
  • Dave Rampersad – Vice President Academic Affairs
  • Renee Davis – Vice President Human Resources
  • Candace Cain – AVP & Dean of Students
  • Keri Alford – Dir. of Residence Life & Housing
  • Charles Campbell – Dean, Jones School of Law
  • Jennifer DeBoer – Asst. Dean, Jones School of Law
  • Thomas Peng – AVP, Intercultural Studies
  • Phillip Calvert – Chief of Police
  • Gerald Jones – General Counsel
  • Paul Jordan – Physician & Dir. Physician Assistant Program
  • Dusty Kozak – CMS Food Services
  • Ross Kramer – National – Facilities Management
  • Hal Wynn – Athletic Director
  • Linda Arrington – new Campus Nurse (will join us in July)

Listed below are the primary areas of concern and the designated Task Force point person(s):

  • Academic Instruction: Rampersad/Campbell
  • Collegiate Athletics: Wynn
  • Housing: Alford
  • Campus Dining: Kozak
  • Campus Activities: Cain/DeBoer
  • Facilities: Kramer
  • Employee Wellness: Davis
  • Infection Protocol: Thompson/Jordan/Jones

In higher education, we once defined our role as in loco parentis (Latin for “in place of a parent”).  It may be archaic today, but Christ-centered universities like Faulkner still seek the moral high ground to surround our students with a nurturing, safe environment.  In the midst of this pandemic, we feel the moral responsibility to earn the confidence of our students and their families.  I hope you will join me in prayer as we seek God’s wisdom and discernment as we open this August.  We certainly welcome your input and questions.  Please feel free to reach out to me or any of the Health & Transition Task Force.

Michael D. Williams, Ed.D



Updated Fri, April 17, 11:09 AM

I pray and trust that you are all keeping well.  As we continue to respond to the disruption created by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is with regret we announce that on-campus instruction will not resume for the Summer I term

Faulkner’s Summer I term for non-traditional students begins April 27, whereas for traditional students, it begins May 13.  Both groups end the week of June 15th.  Governor Kay Ivey’s recently issued a stay-at-home order for Alabama until April 30.  As such, we, like a host of other universities across the nation, are constrained to begin the Summer I session teaching all classes online. For our many students who are enrolled in online degree programs, classes continue as normal.  I encourage you not to disrupt your schedules and to continue your programs of study, as this too shall pass. Your admission counselors, academic advisors, student success representatives, financial aid counselors, etc., are all available to assist you with your enrollment needs.

Our pray is that the situation improves where we can revert to on-campus instruction for Summer II, which begins June 22nd for both traditional and non-traditional students.  Whatever the outcome, you will receive amply notice before Summer II classes are scheduled to start. We are closely monitoring developments and will provide any updates as soon as they are available.

Updated Fri, Mar 20, 10:03 AM

Fellow Eagles.

We find ourselves in the midst of unparalleled times.  In light of the guidance of the Center of Disease Control and the Alabama Department of Public Health, we regret to announce that on-campus instruction will not resume this semester.  From the beginning of this global crisis, your health and well-being has been our foremost goal.  But today's announcement is driven by a higher calling.  It is out of deep respect for our fellow man that we respond to the COVID-19 with caution and duty.  God's harshest indignation is given to those who harm, disrespect, or marginalize His created sons and daughters.

Therefore, we have made the following measures to complete the semester:


We will continue online instruction from March 30 through the remainder of the semester.  Our distinguished faculty stand ready to provide you with a rich academic experience.  As always, you will find them caring and compassionate as we cover the required material.

Campus Events

All University activities and events  have been cancelled through the end of the semester.  We are greatly disappointed that we will not enjoy the showcase of talent within the student body.  I know many of you were very excited about participating in Jamboree, collegiate and intramural athletics, the arts, and many other campus activities.

Graduation 2020

Graduation has been postponed till August 8, 2020.  More information will be forwarded to you regarding this crowning achievement event where we recognize our graduating students.  Students who have questions about a regalia order placed online with Jostens, may call the number on their order confirmation or 1.800.854.7464 by March 25th, and the customer call center can assist them.

Campus Housing

Students who need to retrieve personal belongings will be notified by March 27 regarding the process.  We want to abide by the social distancing guidelines as students safely return to campus to check out of the residence halls and apartments.

Students who withdraw from campus housing will be eligible for a pro-rata credit to their student account for room and board.  Given the complexity of federal financial aid and institutional scholarships, these credits will be processed by the end of the term.

As announced earlier, the residence halls remain open for those students who are unable to return home at this time.  Food service will remain available in accordance with the order of the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Final Reflections

I hope you know that each one of you is loved by God and loved by the Faulkner family.  In spite of the challenges, I hope this current struggle teases out the very best in us.  May we all be keenly aware of God's sovereignty and presence in our lives.  Perhaps, we can be much more grateful for our family, friends, and loved ones.  Can we all commit to giving our very best effort to teaching, learning, and engaging with one another throughout the remainder of the semester?

As we move through this time of uncertainty, let us all be anchored in our faith in Christ Jesus. May His Spirit propel us to be at peace, motivated by love, and moved to do something extraordinary.

Never Fail!

Isaiah 40:31

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Michael D. Williams, Ed.D


Faulkner University

5345 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, AL 36109


Dear Faulkner Family,

We thank each of you for your continued care and patience in our process to determine the best course of action concerning the health and safety of our communities. 

In response to concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Faulkner University will extend its Spring Break period for a total of two weeks (March 16 – March 27th).  This applies only to students enrolled in traditional programs and students in the Jones School of Law.  Students in non-traditional programs (i.e. Adult and Executive Professional programs) at all campus locations will continue as normal.  During this period we will be in regular communication with you regarding any updates or changes.  Please reference the Faulkner University Website and check your Faulkner Email often for updates.


  • Beginning Monday, March 16th through Friday, April 10th all “on ground” courses for students in non-traditional programs will be delivered “online”. 
  • Beginning Monday, March 30th through Friday, April 10th all “on ground” courses for students in traditional programs and in the Jones School of Law will be delivered “online”.  

Our academic leadership and faculty are preparing for this transition now, and will be in touch with students with more details soon.

STUDENTS LEAVING FOR SPRING BREAK – please prepare in the following ways:

  1. Take all of your books and course materials with you for spring break, as well as other personal items you may need for an extended period of time.
  2. Concerning campus housing – we urge all students who can go home for spring break to do so.  We plan to make appropriate provisions for students who are unable to return home during this period.  If you are in this situation and need campus housing, please inform the Office of Student Life as soon as possible. All housing residents are welcome to return to campus housing after the two week spring break period, yet must inform Student Life of your plans to return. 
  3. Be sure to check your Faulkner email regularly and the University website for updates and other instructions.
  4. Please make wise choices about WHERE you travel this spring break, avoiding locations with higher levels of the coronavirus. 
  5. Continue to practice the CDC recommended health habits of regularly washing your hands, staying away from those who are sick, and the like.  Refer to the following CDC link for information


  1. During this extended spring break period, the University will remain open and employees will continue to report to work as normal.  Further instructions will be provided to employees as needed.
  2. To minimize the risk of contracting or spreading the coronavirus, we must avoid hosting large events and activities during this time.  As such, the University will need to reschedule our annual Jamboree show.  This is a favorite tradition at Faulkner, and many have already put in much work, so we hope to reschedule for another date and will let you know something soon.
  3. All spring Intercollegiate Athletic program competitions are suspended through April 10th. We are in regular contact with the NAIA and our conference officials regarding the status of these programs nationally.  As you can imagine, this situation is a moving target and we must be responsive to the greater needs here.  Student-athletes, please stay in touch with your respective coaches in this regard.

We truly appreciate the care and commitment of every member of the Faulkner community in our collective effort to keep our campuses safe.  Ultimately, we place our trust in a loving God, especially during times of challenge.  Please be safe and continue to pray with us through this unique situation.

Mike Williams, Ed. D.

President, Faulkner University 

This message serves to provide you with the most current updates concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.  Our University leadership is continually evaluating all aspects of the impact of the virus worldwide, and potentially on any of our four campuses and other partnership sites.  We have established a section on our University Website that will serve as our official source for related information.

We continue to consult directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as from other reputable sources such as the Alabama Department of Public Health and the American College Health Association.    

Specific to Faulkner faculty, staff, and students – we offer the following updates and recommendations:


Due to recent developments and challenges in Italy, the March 11th arrival flight for our group returning from Italy has been cancelled.  Their new arrival date is this Friday, March 13th, from which they will start their 14 day self-quarantine process away from campus. While all are doing very well, please keep them in your prayers.


Whether you are planning to travel for business, spring break, or other reasons in the near future, please follow these guidelines strongly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Avoid traveling internationally, especially to countries that are classified by the CDC as a level 3 risk for COVID-19. (i.e., China, Iran, Italy and South Korea)  Beyond that, we urge everyone to seriously consider the possibility of quarantines or restricted travel back to the United States for any trips outside the country.
  • While not classified as level 3 risk areas, we also discourage, if at all possible, travel to regions of the United States where there are higher numbers of people who have contracted the Coronavirus (i.e., Washington State, New York, California, and Massachusetts).


We encourage CDC recommended everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
  • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and you can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Seek medical advice if you

  • Develop symptoms


  • Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or live in or have recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.

Thank you for your continued care, cooperation, and prayers in this matter!

Student Accounts update

National Testing Schedules