MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama State Department of Education just released their annual report card for all educator preparation programs, which showed that Faulkner graduates, who are now in their first year of teaching, are well prepared for the classroom.
The first part of the report entitled, Educator Preparation Institutional Report Card for Performance on Required Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Tests, is a survey to show whether or not education graduates are proficient in the required content knowledge including pedagogical knowledge, Principles of Learning and Teaching and specific knowledge of their field of study or subject.
Faulkner graduates in their first year of teaching overwhelmingly responded with “strongly agree” and “agree” that they knew the content required by the state to teach in a classroom.
The secondary portion of the report entitled, Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey is created by the Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education was administered to Faulkner graduates and their employers. Data provided in this report include a summary of survey categories and the percentage of first-year teachers who strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree that their program prepared them to teach successfully. The data also provides the percentages of employers who rated their first-year teachers as teacher leader, effective teacher, emerging teacher or ineffective.
In this report, principals showed an extreme satisfaction with the performance of those who graduated from Faulkner’s College of Education. The survey shows employers thought Faulkner graduates to be effective teachers and teacher leaders.
In particular, 100 percent of employers said Faulkner graduates portrayed leadership qualities when implementing assessments in an ethical manner and minimized bias to enable learners to display the full extent of their learning.
One hundred percent of employers also said Faulkner graduates exhibited collaboration with others to build a positive learning climate marked by respect, rigor and responsibility.
“The Elmore County Public Schools has found students representing Faulkner University well prepared and ready to enter the classroom. We have an excellent relationship with Faulkner as we place many of their students for internships and/or lab experiences in our schools. We have also hired many Faulkner graduates and find them exceptional employees,” said Susanne Goodin, Human Resources Director for Elmore County Public Schools.