Journal of Faith and the Academy

The Journal of Faith and the Academy is published bi-annually in the fall and spring by the Institute of Faith and the Academy at Faulkner University. The Journal reaches widely across the country, engaging students and scholars of all kinds. The Editorial Board of the Journal seeks articles from those working within any academic discipline that address the issues and distinctions entailed in the task of learning, teaching, and administrating in the Christian academy, college, or university.

To subscribe contact:

Cathleen Bragg
5345 Atlanta Hwy
Faulkner University
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
(334) 386-7190


Subscribe to the Journal Online

Journal of Faith And the Academy CFP (pdf)


Contributing Scholars

For ten years, the Journal of Faith and the Academy has partnered with some of Christianity’s prominent intellectuals, including J. Budziszweski, Anthony Esolen, John Mark Reynolds, David Lyle Jeffrey, and many others. Select topics of the Journal have included the role of the Christian university, administration in the Christian university, sports in faith, and graduate students issues.


Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Faith and the Academy serves to review manuscript submissions and to ensure the academic rigor of publications. Manuscript submissions are put through a blind, peer-review process among the members of the Editorial Board.

Current Editorial Board members include:

John Gray, Faulkner University

Andy Olree, Jones School of Law

Dave Rampersad, Faulkner University

Geoffrey Reiter, Florida Baptist College

Matt Roberson, Abilene Christian University

Jon Wright, Faulkner University

Mike Young, Faulkner University


Submission procedures

All article submissions should be approximately 3,000 to 9,000 words in length including footnotes, 12-pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and should follow The Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition). All submissions should also include an abstract of the manuscript (under 150 words). The author’s name, address (including email address), title, and institutional affiliation should appear only on a removable cover page. All submissions will be reviewed by an appropriate blind-peer group of readers. Submissions should include an electronic email with a document attachment in MS Word. Hard copy submissions will not be returned.

All authors of accepted manuscripts will be notified promptly and will receive a complimentary copy of the Journalgratis. We do reserve the right to edit manuscripts for usage and style. Accepted manuscripts are also subject to editorial modifications with consultation and permission of the author. The review and selection process generally requires a minimum of three months, and therefore submission of manuscripts should be received three to four months prior to either the fall or spring issue of the Journal. For all article submissions, please submit inquires to Andrew Jacobs,


Copyright. Any republication of the Journal’s content of 200 words or more must seek permission from the editors. Permission for republication of less than 200 words is not necessary provided Journal of Faith and the Academy is duly credited. All manuscripts submitted should not have been previously published or under consideration of publication elsewhere unless consent from the editors is granted.


Book Reviews. Proposals for book reviews sent to the Book Editor are welcome. Unsolicited book reviews are permissible, but prior communication with the Book Editor is preferred. For all book reviews, please submit inquires to Jason Jewel,