2022-2023 Data

Measure 1 (Initial): Completer Effectiveness. (R4.1)

Data from three sources will be triangulated. The first and second sources are parts of Case Studies completed by the EPP. These case studies involve several assessments, but component 1, evidence of impact, and component 3, principal interviews, will be used to meet Standard R4.1

Components of Case Studies:

  1. Evidence of Impact on Student Learning
  2. Graduate Interviews
  3. Principal Interviews
  4.  Evaluations completed by a Principal or designee

The third source of data are responses to the First- and Second-Year Teacher Survey created by the Alabama Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, administered by the Alabama State Department of Education in September 2023.

Evidence of Impact on Student Learning

Evidence of impact on student learning supplied by two completers as part of case studies was used to determine if the completers effectively contributed to P-12 student-learning growth.

The spring 2022 undergraduate elementary program graduated 5 teachers. All 5 had accepted employment in the field for the 2022-2023 academic school year. Out of this pool of 5, 2 (4%) responded to the invitation to participate in the study.  There were no Physical Education graduates.

The spring 2022 Alt A program graduated 3 teachers. All 3 had either accepted jobs or were already employed in the classroom. Out of this pool of 3, 1 (33%) responded to the invitation to participate in the study. This completer’s data is combined in the following information.

The participants were contacted by email and given a description of the expectations for the study along with a link to a video that also explained the expectations. 

All three completers are white females.

Introduction and Background of Participants

Completer A (Elementary Education) teaches in a public school that serves 713 students PK-6. Test scores at this school are above the state average. The school population is composed of 69% white, 8% black, and 18% Hispanic students, with 59% considered low-income. Students are 56% male and 44% female.

Completer B (Elementary Education) teaches in the public school that serves 864 students, K-8. Test scores at this school are above the state average. The school population is composed of 83% white, 7% Hispanic, and 5% black, with 59% considered to be low-income. Students are 47% male and 53% female.

Completer C (Alternative A) teaches in a public school that serves 1,016 students in grades 5-8. This school ranks in the top 50% of all schools in Alabama for overall test scores (math proficiency is top 50% and reading proficiency is top 50%). The school population is 58% white, 33% black, and 4% Hispanic.  Students are 55% male and 45% female.

Data for Impact on Student Learning

Completer A provided two months of progress monitoring data (August and September) for aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency. 

In a class of 18 first grade students, one student was absent for the second testing, 3 students did not make gains, and 14 students made gains. 

  • The average gain was 12 points and the range was 1 to 22. 
  • The average loss was 10 points and the range was 4 to 18.

Completer B provided Star language arts data for two data points for 22 second grade students:  August 21, 2023 to September 7, 2023 and October 16, 2023 to October 28. 2023. 

  • For Aug/Sept, 36% tested at Level 5 (At/Above), 23% tested at Level 4 (At/Above), 18% tested at Level 3 (At/Above), 9% tested at Level 2 (Below) and 14% tested at Level 1 (Below). Combined, 77% test At/Above and 23% tested Below level.
  • For the October testing: 41% tested at Level 5 (At/Above), 23% tested at Level 4 (At/Above, 23% tested at Level 3 (At/Above), 5% tested at Level 2 (Below) and 9% tested at Level 1 (Below).  Combined, 87% tested at/above and 14% tested below level.
  • When the two test dates are compared, the At/Above group increased by 10% and the Below group decreased 9%.

Completer C provided Star Reading (English) scores for two data points, Aug/Sept and Dec/Jan.

  • For Aug/Sept, 17% tested at Level 5 (At/Above), 25% tested at Level 4 (At/Above), 17% tested at Level 3 (At/Above), 21% tested at Level 2 (Below), and 21% tested at Level 1 (Below). Combined, 58% tested At/Above and 42% tested Below level.
  • For the October testing: 25% tested at Level 5 (At/Above), 21% tested at Level 4 (At/Above), 17% tested at Level 3 (At/Above), 21$ tested at Level 2 (Below), and 17% tested at Level 1 (Below). Combine, 63% tested At/Above and 37% tested Below.
  • When the two test dates are compared, the At/Above group increased by 5% and the Below decreased by 5%.

Data from Principal Interviews

Responses from the questions for InTASC Standards 4 and 5 from the Principal Interviews were used to meet the second part of Standard 4.1, specifically, Apply in P-12 classrooms the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve.

Standards 4 and 5 are represented in Questions 8, 9, and 20-24:

Based on your observation or knowledge, how effective if the first-year teacher when it comes to:

  1. Demonstrating effective and accurate content knowledge?
  2. Appling content knowledge accurately and effectively during classroom instruction?
  3. Engaging in leadership, initiating and engaging in professional growth?
  4. Collaborating with colleagues?
  5. Practicing professional ethics?
  6. Engaging with parents and his/her community?
  7. Using technology effectively?

Completer A

  • She is absolutely on track as a first-year teacher. She came to use with a broad knowledge base.
  • She is very knowledgeable of the Science of Reading. Few other first year teachers have this strong of knowledge about it. 
  • Yes, she engaged in leadership, initiating and engaging in professional growth
  • Yes, she collaborates with others.
  • She practices professional ethics
  • She engages with parents and community members

Completer B

  • She definitely has the content knowledge and she understands the connections.
  • She is a grade level lead planner.
  • She is a professional and has ideas and knows what to do next.
  • She works effectively with everyone, including parents.

Completer C

  • She teaches English Language Arts and Social Studies so he has lots of ways to do cross-curricular activities.
  • She has always known her content!
  • She knows her 5th graders and gives them the lessons they need. 
  • She is aware of how each one learns and she uses a lot of small groups so that she can differentiate instruction.
  • When we meet to discuss checkpoints on assessments like the STAR test, she comes with an action plan for her students based on data.
  • After observations she talks of reflecting on teaching and then making changes. 

Based on the responses from the three principals, the EPP has determined that completers of the Faulkner College of Education do contribute to P-12 student learning growth.

Link to Principal Interview, Initial Preparation

Data from the State’s First- and Second-Year Teacher Survey

The Educator Prep Institutional Report Cards provide data on individuals who completed a Class B or Alternative Class A program at an Alabama institution and their professional certificate was issued in the reporting period. The 2023 report covers those who passed their assessment between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022 along with surveys from teachers and employers between August 2022 and July 2023. The data provided is for Faulkner completers, but the data is not disaggregated for the different pursuits.

The Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education members developed the surveys which are administered electronically to first- and second-year teachers and employers. Survey prompts are aligned with InTASC standards. Responses from Principals for prompts aligned with Standards 4 and 5 are represented in the following chart.

When the Faulkner graduates were compared to graduates from other Alabama EPPs, the hiring principals agreed that our graduates have a deep knowledge of content and can effectively apply their knowledge in the classroom.

Data suggests that the percentage of the EPP’s graduates considered to be Teacher Leaders exceeds that for the state average.

Link to State Report for 2023  

Link to the summary of findings from the State Report for 2023


Data from three sources was triangulated in order to assess Standard R4.1, the Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) supply evidence of completers contribution to P-12 student learning growth and application in P-12 classrooms the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve.  

The three forms of data were 1) impact on student learning, 2) portions of principal interviews and 3) a state survey administered to first- and second-year completers. Data for impact on student learning was derived from two elementary education completers and one Alternative A completer. There were no Physical Education completers who either graduated 6 months to a year earlier, or who are teaching in field. The data supplied for the 3 completers all supports student learning. 

Principal interviews were conducted with the three completers and all three positively responded that the completers did contribute to student learning.

The third source was the state survey completed by employers of completers. While this data is not disaggregated, it does reflect the entirety of completers. The comparison of survey data specific for Faulkner completers to completers state-wide found that the employers believed that our graduates have a deep knowledge of content and can effectively apply their knowledge in the classroom. Again, the data for the Effective and Teacher Learner levels exceeds that of the state average.

The convergence of findings from these sources of data, through triangulation, supports the conclusion that the completers of the Faulkner College of Education do contribute to P-12 student learning growth and apply in P-12 classroom the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve. 

Measure 2 (Initial and Advanced): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. (R4.2, R5.3, RA4.1)

Satisfaction of Employers: Initial

To assess satisfaction of employers, data from two sources was triangulated. The first source is one part of the Case Studies completed by the EPP. These case studies involve several assessments but the Principal Interviews directly assesses the satisfaction of principals with specific completers. 

Two principal interviews were conducted with principals of two completers from the Elementary Education program and one completer from the Alternative A program. All three are white females. These volunteers are from a group of 5 elementary completers and three Alternative A completers, representing 4% and 33% respectfully. There were no Physical Education completers.

The second source is data from Principals’ responses to the First- and Second-Year Teacher Survey created by the Alabama Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and administered by the Alabama State Department of Education in September 2023.

Introduction and Background of Participants

Completer A (Elementary Education) teaches in a public school that serves 713 students PK-6. This school’s test scores are above the state average. The school population is composed of 69% white, 8% black, and 18% Hispanic students, with 59% considered low-income. Students are 56% male and 44% female.

Completer B (Elementary Education) teaches in a public school that serves 864 students, K-8. This school’s test scores are above the state average. The school population is composed of 83% white, 7% Hispanic, and 5% black, with 59% considered to be low-income. Students are 47% male and 53% female.

Completer C (Alternative A) teaches in a public school that serves 1,016 students in grades 5-8. This school ranks in the top 50% of all schools in Alabama for overall test scores (math proficiency in top 50% and reading proficiency in top 50%). The school population is 58% white, 33% black, and 4% Hispanic.  Students are 55% male and 45% female.

Data to Support Employer Satisfaction with Preparation in Working with Diverse Students and Families

Principal Interviews

Responses from the questions for InTASC standards 2, 3, and 10 from the Principal Interviews were used to assess this standard. Specific questions for these standards are:

Based on your observation or knowledge, how effective if the first-year teacher when it comes to:

  1. Effectively differentiating instruction and meeting the needs of individual students?
  2. Working in inclusive classrooms?
  3. Effectively teaching students from diverse backgrounds?
  4. Engaging with parents and his/her community?

Completer A

  • She is very effective. She has special ed and ELL students in her class. She adjusts her instruction to meet the needs of all her students.
  • Yes, she absolutely practices professional ethics.
  • She does very well with parents. She reaches out with both praise and not just when there are problems. She is very proactive.

Completer B

  • Yes, she effectively differentiates instruction and meets the needs of her individual students.
  • She just knows what to do for each student, and she does it.
  • She is more than prepared to effectively teach students from diverse backgrounds.
  • She works effectively with everyone, including parents. 

Completer C

  • She knows her 5th graders and gives them the lessons they need. She is aware of how each one learns and she uses a lot of small groups so that she can differentiate instruction. 
  • She is excellent with parents. At the beginning of school, we call all students in the homerooms. I sat in on one parent conference with her and a students’ great-grandmother. It was a good meeting and Mrs. Xxxx has a great rapport with the grandmother.

Link to Principal Interview, Initial Preparation

Data from the State’s First- and Second-Year Teacher Survey

The Educator Prep Institutional Report Cards provide data on individuals who completed a Class B or Alternative Class A program at an Alabama institution and their professional certificate was issued in the reporting period. The 2023 report covers those who passed their assessment between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022 along with surveys from teachers and employers between August 2022 and July 2023. The data provided is for Faulkner completers, but the data is not disaggregated for the different pursuits.

The Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education members developed the surveys which are administered electronically to first- and second-year teachers and employers. Survey prompts are aligned with InTASC standards. Responses from Principals for prompts aligned with Standards 2 and 3 are represented in the following chart. Responses for Standard 10 are in the second chart.

When the Faulkner graduates were compared to graduates from other Alabama EPPs, the hiring principals agreed that our graduates are more effective in understanding how learners grow and develop, more effective in understanding learners’ commonalities and individual differences, and better understand how to manage the learning environment to engage learners actively. 

Data suggests that the percentage of the EPP’s graduates considered to be Teacher Leaders is equal to that for the state average.

When the Faulkner graduates were compared to graduates from other Alabama EPPs, the hiring principals agreed that our graduates are more effective in collaborating with learners, families, colleagues, and other school professions and community members and that they more often seek appropriate leadership roles.

Data suggests that the percentage of the EPP’s graduates considered to be Teacher Leaders is greater than the state average.

Link to State Report for 2023  

Link to the summary of findings from the State Report for 2023

Conclusion, Initial 

Data from two sources was triangulated in order to assess Standard R4.2, The provider demonstrates employers are satisfied with the completer’s preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families.

The two forms of data were principal interviews and a state survey administered to employers of first- and second-year completers. Data was derived from two elementary education completers and one Alternative A completer. There were no Physical Education completers who either graduated 6 months to a year earlier, or who were teaching in field.

Principal interviews were conducted with the three completers and all three positively responded that their preparation was satisfactory.

The second source was the state survey completed by employers of completers. While this data is not disaggregated, it does reflect the entirety of completers. The comparison of survey data specific for Faulkner completers to completers state wide found that the employers believed that the EPP’s completers were effective in understanding the commonalities and differences of students and effective in collaborating with learners, families, colleagues, and other school professions and community members. When the number of Faulkner completers rated effective and teacher leader were compared to the total number of completers included in the survey, Faulkner completers equaled or exceeded numbers for completers from other institutions.

Based on the convergence of findings from these two sources of data, through triangulation, supports the conclusion that the employers of completers of the Faulkner College of Education are satisfied with the completers’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families.

Satisfaction of Employers, Advanced

There were five completers during 2022-2023. One completer (20%) volunteered and one participated. This completer is a teacher at a small urban public school, Pre-K through 6th grade. The completer teaches science and social studies. The school serves 568 students and has a minority enrollment of 12%. The student-teacher ratio is 18:1. The student population is made up of 52% females and 48% males. The school enrolls 33% economically disadvantages students. The school has been selected as a CLAS Alabama School of Distinction. 

Data from two sources was triangulated. The first source is one part of the Case Studies completed by the EPP. These case studies involve several assessments but the Principal Interviews directly assesses the satisfaction of principals with specific completers. 

The second source of data came from an Advanced Employer survey.

Principal Interview

The Principal Interview includes 9 prompts aligned with the National Board Middle Childhood Standards. Link to interview questions.


Based on your observation or knowledge, how effective if the first-year teacher when it comes to:

The following responses are grouped by topic:

Strengths Noted:

  • Calm demeanor
  • Treats all students equally
  • Strong science content knowledge
  • Analyzes data and uses that information for future planning
  • Very professional
  • Have a good professional relationship with peers and parents
  • Handles change well
  • Eager to improve her craft

Areas for Improvement Noted:

  • Sometimes her expectations for students’ science knowledge is set too high
  • Adjusting to parents in a rural area after coming from an urban area

And, when asked for any additional comments, the principal stated that the teacher is a little above normal for a beginning teacher. She is mature and organized.

Advanced Employers Survey 

The third source is data from the Advanced Employer Survey. This EPP designed survey includes prompts that reflect the National Board Middle Childhood Specialists standards. The survey includes multiple prompts per standards.

Principals are given a QR code to complete the Google survey. The results for this completer by National Board Standards are as follows:

Standard I:  Knowledge of Students:  2/2 Strongly Agree

Standard II: Respect for Diversity:  2/3 Strongly Agree, 1/3 Agree

Standard III: Establishing an Environment for Learning: 1/2 Strongly Agree, 1/2 Agree

Standard IV: Knowledge of Content and Curriculum: 3/3 Strongly Agree

Standard V: Instructional Decision Making:  5/6 Strongly Agree, 1/6 Agree

Standard VI: Partnership and Outreach: 2/2 Agree

Standard VII: Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy: 1/3 Strongly Agree, 2/3 Agree

Standard VIII: Responsiveness to Change: 1/1 Agree

16 of 27 responses, or 59%, were Strongly Agree, and 11 of 27 responses, or 41% were Agree. When asked to respond to prompt concerning suggestions for improvements for the Faulkner College of Education advanced preparation program, there was no response.

When asked to respond concerning strengths of the program, there was no response.

Link to the Google survey responses:  

Note: There were multiple responders, but there was only one completer who had all elements completed.

Conclusion, Advanced

The two forms of data were principal interviews and an employers survey.

A principal interview was conducted with one of five completers. The principal positively responded that preparation was satisfactory.

A principal survey was the second form of data. Again, the principal positively responded that preparation was satisfactory.

Based on the convergence of findings from these two sources of data, through triangulation, supports the conclusion that the employers of completers of the Faulkner College of Education are satisfied with the completers’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families.

Stakeholder Involvement

Faulkner COE Teacher Advisory Council (TAC)

The Teacher Advisory Council for the College of Education at Faulkner University includes a variety of individuals who hold a variety of roles within the University, Partner Schools, Partner School Systems, and outside education agencies. Many are professors, program completers, classroom teachers, principals, Central Office Staff, Heads of Schools, and past/retired school officials.

The council is devised to allow outside stakeholders to join the COE in making programs more effective. The council meets twice a year to review data and look at program improvements.

Link to Council/Committee Members

April 26, 2022  


May 8, 2023


The minutes include information about what assessments were reviewed and evaluated along with recommendations by the committee members.


Dr. Nicki McLeod Faulkner Professor

Dr. Brian Lentz Faulkner, Former Community College

Dr. Elizabeth Davis Faulkner, Former ALSDE

Dr. Carol Tarpley Faulkner

Rebecca Horn Faulkner

Dr. Christi Jones Faulkner

Taryn Brodie Second Grade Teacher

Brittney Fureigh State Department, 3-5 Science Specialist

Bryant Marlow Principal

Brittney Kelly School Counselor 

Lisa Boyd School Counselor

Michelle Williamson School Counselor

Hilary Rasmussen Completer, Teacher Reeltown Elementary

Laura Childs Completer, ARI Literacy Specialist

Mark McGee Alabama Department of Education

Bonnie Short Director, Alabama Reading Initiative




The College of Education at Faulkner University is proud to have a variety of partnerships with school systems and individual schools in which our teacher candidates have an opportunity to work side by side with certified teachers to enrich their experiences in the classroom. The COE utilizes these schools for a variety of field experiences as well as internships. Through our partnerships, the COE strives to ensure our candidates are seeing a wide variety of teaching strategies, good classroom management, and professionalism.

The Faulkner University College of Education maintains MOUs with the following Schools and School Districts:

  • Autauga County
  • Cullman City
  • Elmore County
  • Lead Academy
  • Chilton County
  • Dale County
  • Macon East
  • Shelby County
  • Alabama Christian Academy
  • Prattville Christian Academy
  • Churchill Academy
  • Flowers Elementary
  • Crump Elementary
  • Pike Road Elementary
  • Vaughn Road Elementary
  • Blount Elementary
  • Wilson Elementary
  • Pike County
  • Mobile Christian Elementary
  • Bear Exploration Center
  • Halcyon Elementary

Link to signed agreements.

Measure 3 (Initial and Advanced): Candidate competency at completion. (R3.3)

The ability of completers to meet licensing requirements, including certification and any additional state-specific mandates, is crucial for the candidates’ career prospects in education. 


For Measure 3, data from the following sources was triangulated.

  1. Meeting the EPPs Requirements: Initial and Advanced
  2. Internship Averages: Initial
  3. Elementary Praxis/Foundations of Reading Scores: Initial

Meeting the EPPs Requirements

The College of Education’s Handbook outlines the following requirements for completion of degrees:

Undergraduate Class B Elementary Education and Physical Education Candidates

To remain in the Teacher Education Program, a candidate must continuously meet the following requirements: 

  1. Maintain a minimum of 2.75 grade point average overall, in professional studies and in the teaching field. 
  2. Demonstrate professional dispositions during all coursework and clinical experiences.
  3. Submit all coursework demonstrating successful completion of ACTS and SPA standards mastery. 
  4. Completion of all program gateways according to the mandated timeframes.
  5. Completion with passing scores of all state-required assessments (Praxis Exams, Foundations of Reading 190, and edTPA. 

 Any grade below a "C" in Professional Studies courses will not be used to meet certification requirements. ALSDE (Alabama State Department of Education) policies and university policies must be followed in the calculation of GPA and awarding of credit for courses taken and courses repeated. ALSDE policies will supersede university policies. 


Alternative Master’s (ALT-A) Candidates

  1. All candidates entering the ALT-A in Elementary Education must meet the 4x12 in English Language Arts (4 English courses granting 12 hours of credit).

2.. To remain in the program, each candidate must maintain a 3.25 GPA in all areas. 

  1. At the appropriate time, all candidates take the Praxis Exam(s) required by the state for licensure and Elementary Education candidates also take the Foundations of Reading Assessment. All Praxis exams and the Foundations of Reading must meet the minimum score before moving on to the internship. During the last semester of all initial certification programs, candidates must do a full-semester internship and maintain average and above ratings from mentor teachers and university supervisors. 

Internship Averages

Below are the internship averages as determined by the mentor teacher and university supervisors. Candidates are assessed with the Teacher Candidate Assessment 8 times throughout the internship semester, with the mentor teacher and university supervisor each doing 4 formal observations.  The rankings are: 

Rating Scale:  

  1. Ineffective
  2. Developing
  3. Effective
  4. Distinguished 
  5. Exemplary

                                                 Internship Unit Averages Fall 2022




PL. 1

PL. 2

Final Avg.


Elementary Education


Candidate 1 WF




Candidate 2 WF




Candidate 3 WF





Final Cohort Avg. 





Physical Education



Final Avg.





Candidate 1 WF




Candidate 2 BM




Candidate 3 WM








 Final Cohort Avg.




Internship Unit Averages Spring 2023




Pl. 1

Pl. 2

Final Avg.





Candidate 1 WF




Candidate 2 WF




Candidate 4 BF




Candidate 5 WF




Candidate 6 WF




Candidate 7 WF




Candidate 8 WF





Candidate   9 WF




Candidate 10 WF




Candidate  11 WF








Final Cohort Average: 








Physical Education




Candidate 1   BM




Candidate 2  WM








Final Cohort Avg. 




Praxis Scores

Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Elementary Praxis/Foundations of Reading Scores

Undergraduate Candidates INTERNSHIP COHORT

Praxis Exams are a series of American teacher certification exams written and administered by the Educational Testing Service. Various Praxis tests are usually required during educator preparation programs to measure candidate abilities. 

The Foundations of Reading test (test code 190) for Alabama assesses proficiency in and depth of understanding of the subject of reading and writing development. The test reflects scientifically based reading research.

The data below consists of candidates’ scores before Internship entry. During this academic year, the following candidates met the national testing requirements to enter their Internship semester.

Below are the passing score in parentheses under each named assessment. For a short time, the State Department of Education allowed students to pass with a -1 Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) due to the national teacher shortage and the need to get teachers into classrooms.  Scores with an * were a little under the previously required score.  This is no longer in effect and the passing scores are back to the scores indicated in the parentheses under each category.  As you can see, Faulkner University College of Education candidates surpassed the passing score in every subject area even though a few candidates qualified under the temporary -1 Standard Error of Measurement score. 


Foundations of Reading Score


Tchg. Rdg #5205



# 5903


Social Studies






Candidate 1 WF






Candidate 2 WF






Candidate 3 WF






Candidate 4 WF






Candidate 5 WF






Candidate 6 BF






Candidate 7 WF






Candidate 8 WF






Candidate 9 WF 






Candidate 10 WF 






Candidate 11 WF






Candidate 12 WF







Avg. WF: 






Avg. BF: 






Total Avg.:






**Took the -1 SEM 

Fall 2022 Spring 2023- INTERNSHIP COHORT

Alt. A Candidates – Praxis Scores for Math, Social Studies, and Science were met before Teacher Education Program (TEP)  entry.

Reading Praxis/Foundations of Reading were met prior to their internship.


FOR Score


Tchg. Rdg #5205



# 5903


Social Studies






Candidate 1 WF






Candidate 2 WF






Candidate 3 WF












Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Physical Education Praxis required prior to internship semester


Physical Education Praxis #5091



Candidate 1 WF



Candidate 2 BM



Candidate 3 WM



Candidate 4: WM



Candidate 5: BM 



Avg: BM



Avg. WM



Avg. WF



Total Avg. 




** Took the -1 SEM


Class A Traditional Master’s

The EPP considers candiates to be competent at completion of their program when they have met the following requirements as set forth in the Graduate Handbook:

  1. Candidacy and admission into the Teacher Education Program.
  2. Completion of all courses and requirements listed on the appropriate degree plan, including 30 semester hours of graduate credit not used for any prior-level certification or degree in any teaching field or area of instructional support.
  3. Completion of a minimum total hours of clinical experiences.
  4. Completion of all institutional requirements for graduation, i.e., filing of appropriate forms with the Registrar’s Office, exit interview with the Financial Aid Office, and clearance with the Business Office.
  5. Minimum GPA of 3.25
  6. Successful completion of the master level special education course—if a special education course was completed prior to unconditional admission to the Traditional Class A Elementary program, students must take FED 6345, Multicultural Education. A course used to meet the requirement for one level of certification may not be used to meet the requirement for a higher level of certification.
  7. Satisfactory ratings on disposition forms from professors for each education course taken.
  8. Successful completion of the Capstone Portfolio
  9. A valid Class B Professional Educator Certificate in the same teaching field in which the  Class A Professional Educator Certificate is sought.

Measure 4 (Initial and Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have prepared).

Initial Certification Tracking – Graduates in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

The linked chart shows that 96% of our candidates who graduated in 2022-2023 are working in the field full-time in the area in which they prepared.  


Advanced Certification Tracking - Graduates in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

The linked chart shows that 100% of our candidates are employed in the areas for which they prepared.


The Faulkner University College of Education is accredited by the  Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
Initial Certification Programs
Elementary Education - B.S.
Physical Education - B.S.
Elementary Education - M.Ed. Alternative A
Advanced Certification Programs
Elementary Education - M.Ed.
School Counseling - M.Ed.