Library Policies

Nichols Library strives to support students throughout their academic career. A member of the library faculty is available during operating hours to assist patrons with their research needs.

  • Please turn all phones off or to silent/vibrate while in the library. Please take all cell phone conversations to the foyer.
  • When using materials in the library, students are asked to leave these items on the tables. Library staff will re-shelve the items used.

Community Patrons

  • Community cards are available to patrons not affiliated with Faulkner University.
  • The cards are $25.00 per year and must be renewed each year.
  • The card enables its holder to use library services and to checkout 2 books per 3-week checkout.

Loan Privileges

  • Check out times vary by patron status and item type. Ask Library Staff for more information.
  • A book may be renewed for an additional three weeks unless it is on hold for another student/patron. You may renew your books by filling out the Book Renewal Form.
  • Audio Visual (AV) materials, such as videotapes, CDs, DVDs, have a loan period of one (1) week and may be renewed for another one (1) week period if the materials are not on hold for another student/patron.
  • Students must present their University ID for proper identification when checking out books.
  • Students are limited to a check-out total of ten (10) items at any particular time.
  • Interlibrary Loan services are available to students at all times. The loan process generally takes 1-2 weeks depending on availability and is generally free to the students.
  • Students are responsible for all materials check out in their name. Items must be returned by the due date and in good condition. If a book is lost, the student is responsible for all replacement costs of the item.

Copier and Printing Privileges

  • A public copier is available in the library (10¢ per copy).
  • Computer printouts for research purposes are free. Microfiche printouts are also free.
  • Patrons are reminded to honor all copyright laws.

About the Collection

Children Policy

Collection Policy

iPad Policy

Computer Use Policy

Interlibrary Loan Policy